Saturday, Sep 21, 2024

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting

At, we understand that healthy eating can be a challenge. That’s why we strive to provide sound advice, recipes, and insight on the paleo diet, keto diet, intermittent fasting and weight loss.

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Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting

Frequently Asked Questions

What is permissible and what is not during intermittent fasting

To achieve desired results, it is important to understand the rules of intermittent fasting. It's not about eating less, it's about ensuring you consume the right kinds and amounts of food at specific times.

Intermittent eating is when you only eat certain foods and avoid eating calories. These "fasting windows" usually last for 16 to 24 hours, allowing your body ample time to break down difficult-to-digest foods, cleanse itself, and speed up your metabolism.

But, you don't need to fast. These are the best times to drink nutrient-rich drinks like tea, lemon water, and water. You can also enjoy calorie free snacks such as fruits or vegetables, but they must not contain any fats or oils.

This isn't an excuse for a free-for-all on high-calorie foods and sugary treats when you come out of your fast either - it does pay to maintain healthy eating habits overall. It is only after you have completed the recommended fasted hours that you can begin to consider snacking on chips or other unhealthy food options. This will quickly negate all of your hard work. Ultimately, aim for consumption of low glycemic index foods during feeding windows instead and focus on nutrient-dense options such as lean proteins, whole grain grains, and fresh produce whenever possible.

Finally, it's important to remember that intermittent fasting isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Everybody is different, and each person will react differently to the exact same diet. A doctor or nutritionist is recommended before beginning any new eating regimen, especially if you have any medical conditions. Additionally, ensure you get enough rest and stay hydrated throughout the process.

Can I drink water if I am intermittent fasting?

Yes, water can be drank while intermittent fasting. As it helps your body to be balanced, it is essential that you stay hydrated when fasting. If you are fasting for extended periods, some vitamins and minerals may be lost through sweat or urine. It is therefore important to stay hydrated. Water helps to flush out toxins and aids in digestion. In the end, staying hydrated is crucial to an effective intermittent fasting program and should not go unnoticed!

Can intermittent fasting help to shed belly fat?

To find solutions, it is important to question the status quo. Traditional wisdom holds that exercise and caloric restriction are key to losing belly fat. However, recent research has revealed that intermittent fasting is more effective and faster than previously believed.

Intermittent fasting involves consuming food within a designated 8-12-hour window each day, leaving 12-16 hours of fasting between meals. Intermittent fasting means that you don't have as many calories to count or portions as when you are restricted by calorie counts.

Intermittent fasting, if done correctly, can increase metabolism and burn stored fats faster than other long-term weight loss methods. Additionally, it can improve mental clarity and digestion, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk for chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes.

It is also easy to practice intermittent fasting. Just set a timer for what you eat and stop eating until that timer goes off. For those looking for a straightforward solution to belly fat reduction and improved health outcomes, intermittent fasting proves to be one of the most efficient ways to do so.

Intermittent fasting can be a great way for weight loss. But it is not a magic bullet. Still, it's important that you eat healthy and nutritious foods and exercise regularly. You should consult your doctor if you have any underlying conditions or are pregnant/ breastfeeding before changing to a diet.

What foods should you avoid while on intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is best when you are strict about your abstinence. Sticking with your plan requires you to cut out certain food groups that could sabotage your efforts.

Fasts can be made more successful by avoiding sugary foods, processed foods, or unhealthy snacks. No matter how difficult it is, avoid sugary cereals, candy bars and ice cream.

Saturated fats should be left completely off the plate as well. To avoid any health hazards associated with prolonged fasting, foods such as fried foods and fatty meats should be avoided. You should avoid foods containing refined carbohydrates like chips and white bread while fasting.

Avoid alcohol during fasting. Alcohol is a great source of empty calories and can interfere with weight loss. You will be consistent if these guidelines are followed.

How can you do intermittent fasting with beginners?

It can be daunting to begin intermittent fasting. But understanding how intermittent fasting works can make it easier to begin.

First, you need to decide what type of fasting is best for you. There are three main types: the time-restricted diet, the 16/8 method and the 5/2 diet. Time-restricted eating means that you eat only during certain hours of the day. The 16/8 method, on the other hand, requires that you eat within an 8-hour time frame and then skip the meals for the remainder of the day. The 5 to 2 diet includes two days of calorie restriction per week with normal eating on the rest.

You can also make sure you have a supply of nutritious foods that are simple to make and quick to eat when you feel hungry. This includes nutritious proteins like eggs, fish, legumes, and pulses, healthy fats such as nuts and oils, high-fibre carbohydrates such as quinoa, buckwheat, and many fresh fruits, vegetables, to help you get your daily intake of vitamins, minerals, and other foods.

Plan your meals and how you will handle the social pressure of dining out with friends or family. Self-control is important when living a fast life. Flexibility is key to staying focused and achieving your goals. Try to find sweet spots meals that provide increased satisfaction, but are not too restrictive to undo any progress you have made in the past few months.

To maintain your motivation levels high, keep track of your progress, including body fat and measurements around the waistline and hips.

Is intermittent fasting the best method to lose weight?

At its core, intermittent fasting is about changing your eating approach. It is a system of timing your meals to burn fat and lose weight effectively. It can improve your metabolism and lead to better health outcomes by regularly switching between eating and fasting.

Which intermittent fast patterns are most effective for weight loss? Many different strategies may work depending on your goals and lifestyle.

An approach called 16:8 is the best option for those who want to make moderate lifestyle changes. This involves fasting for 16 consecutive hours and then eating your meals in a time frame of 8 hours. Typically, you end the fast with a late dinner or snack at night. This strategy allows you to ease into the process while still making some noticeable progress regarding weight maintenance or loss.

People looking to transform their lives may consider the 5/2 Intermittent Fasting diet. This is when you fast two days a week, while still consuming normal calories the five other days. You should aim to eat nutrient-dense foods on non-fasting day without restricting your daily calorie intake. With this intense pattern, discipline is key, so tracking macronutrients and understanding what fuel you need (and why) will help ensure that desired results are attained faster.

If you want to see the best results from Intermittent Fasting, consistency is important no matter what you do! While one person prefers strict adherence, another might excel when prioritizing healthy eating whole foods rather than adhering strictly, so make sure that whatever your unique goal is when implementing IF - know yourself before assuming something will work exactly like everyone else's experience!


  • consumption was examined in 1 study, which compared dietary fat intake of 45% versus 25% at the expense of carbohydrate intake. (
  • When diet composition was controlled, most protocols were consistent with Health Canada and American Heart Association guidelines: 55% carbohydrates, 20% fat, and 25% protein. (
  • When diet composition was controlled, most protocols were consistent with Health Canada and American Heart Association guidelines: 55% carbohydrates, 20% fat, and 25% protein. (
  • In 2018, 63.1% of Canadian adults were overweight or obese. (

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How To

Tips and tricks for adhering to an intermittent fasting schedule

Intermittent fasting can be used to help you lose weight or improve your health. Intermittent fasting is a great way to improve your health and reach your goals. However, it can be difficult to stick with a regular schedule. These are some tips and tricks that will help you keep on track.

  1. Choose a routine you like: Everybody is different so it's important you find one that works. Some people prefer eating earlier in the evening and going fast the next day. Other people prefer eating later in the afternoon and going fast the next morning. To find what works best for your needs, try out different routines.

  2. Keep healthy snacks handy: It is important to stay nourished while you fast, especially if it's for a prolonged period. Healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts, seeds or fruit can help you keep your energy up, and your hunger under control.

  3. Plan: Planning will make it easier to stick to an intermittent fasting plan. You can help yourself stay on track by planning ahead and packing healthy snacks for work, or other activities.

  4. Stay hydrated. Water is a great way to keep full and satisfied, even while fasting. Drink at least 8-10 cups water per day. You might also consider drinking unsweetened or herbal coffee, which are low-calorie and hydrating.

  5. Flexibility: It's okay for you to vary your intermittent fasting routine. Sometimes, life can throw off your plans. Just try to get back on track as soon as possible, and don't beat yourself up if you slip up.

It takes dedication and practice to adhere to an intermittent fasting routine. However, with the right mindset as well as a few helpful strategies it is possible to make intermittent fasting an integral part of your daily life. You can create a routine that suits you and helps with your health goals by trial and error.


Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


@doctorspandana #doctorspandana#weightloss #intermittentfasting #obesity #explian #howtoreducebellyfatfast #ukteluguvlogs #health #doctor Join with me I

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Ive reached my goal weight, but I need to gain muscle. I need some advice/direction.

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Weight loss with Ketosis

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


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Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


What happens when protein intake is not 2g/lbs?

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


While intermittent fasting for pregnancy has its benefits, it can also be dangerous. Read on to learn more about the risks and benefits of..

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Don’t know where else to post

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


High fiber high carb foods causing insomnia?

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Autophagy is a dynamic degradation system that promotes tumor survival. It also promotes the growth of established tumors and facilitates metastasis. ..

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Intermittent fasting is one of the best tools for weight loss. There is one enormous secret that can help ensure that you see a huge weight loss

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Discover the Hidden Truth about Intermittent Fasting with neuroscientist Andrew Huberman! In this video, learn the science-backed benefits that they don't tell

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Skipping breakfast has a number of benefits, including the ability to lose weight, improve training performance, and increase growth hormone levels...

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Live discussion and I answer questions the best I can. I love to talk all things food and fasting! Want more resources? I started a blog:

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


What I Eat After A 20hr Fast (1300cal, 20/4 OMAD) | OMAD RESET DAY 14 | Full day of eating. I drop some weight loss wisdom and share with you how I implement

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


All you need to know about Intermittent fasting and weight loss

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Intermittent fasting - What I eat in a day! #shorts

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Truth about intermittent fasting | Somya Luhadia #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


The best, and free, intermittent fasting tracking app for iPhone and Android. Easy to use. Supports all fasting types. Fast with friends. Download for Free.

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


In this video, I will address the concerns you might have about the safety of Intermittent Fasting while trying this popular dietary approach. Whether you're a

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


I'll explain why one of the most popular intermittent fasting schedules is actually not a good fit for the majority of people (even though a lot of them do it

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Intermittent fasting involves switching between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. This type of fasting could manage your weight or even some forms of

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


#selfimprovement #lifestyle #neuroscience #betterlife

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


No doubt you’ve heard of and maybe even tried intermittent fasting since it has numerous scientifically proven benefits. But during your fasting journey, have

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


This is a detailed guide to intermittent fasting (IF). Studies show that it can help you lose weight, improve health and perhaps even live longer.

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Since intermittent fasting is about when you eat rather than what you eat — and you get to customize the experience according to your needs, goals, lifestyle,

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


You’re just minding your business, ticking things off your to-do list (is it us, or does that thing get longer every day?), and quietly making progress.  Then

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Intermittent fasting isn't new, but it's gaining followers. What's the appeal?

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


One of the biggest selling points of intermittent fasting is that it’s all about when you eat rather than what you eat. And it’s totally flexible and

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


If you’ve been thinking about starting a new diet, maybe doing a little research on the best ways to drop a few pounds, chances are you’ve come across

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Harvard research about Intermittent fasting ...

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


IntroductionFinding the ideal balance between health, fitness, and a hectic lifestyle can be difficult in today’s fast-paced world. This is where

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Introduction The practice of intermittent fasting (IF) has become very well-liked for aiding in weight loss and promoting health. Fewer people are aware of its

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular diet option for weight loss. There are several programs, but this guide can help you find out which one is

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Introduction Recent years have seen a significant increase in the acceptance of intermittent fasting (IF) as a viable strategy for promoting longevity, better

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Introduction Recent years have seen a significant increase in interest in intermittent fasting (IF), a dietary strategy with many potential health advantages.

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


The two-day-a-week diet: How intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and boost your health.

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Introduction The practice of intermittent fasting (IF) has become increasingly well-liked as a means of losing weight and enhancing health. IF involves

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


There are many advantages to intermittent fasting as a strategy for weight loss. Intermittent fasting can work with any diet...

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Low carb diets have often been used throughout history for weight loss. Although sometimes called a fad, low carb diets have actually more science...

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Weight gain and obesity, like any medical disease, is multifactorial. This means that there are many factors that cause weight gain...

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Intermittent fasting is popular, effective, and easy. This guide tells you how to get started with a successful intermittent fasting routine.

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


How do doctors lose weight?  For their patients, doctors often advise following standard diets, but when trying to lose weight themselves...

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


What is the best vacation weight loss plan? Most people [...]

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Intermittent fasting comes in many shapes and forms. This article reviews its pros and cons so you can decide if it's worth a try.

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Previous studies have shown that a harmful combination of gut bacteria can cause high blood pressure (hypertension) in humans and other animals. Having a

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


In my TEDx talk, I suggest recasting the noxious word “diet” into D-I-E-T — a reminder to ask ourselves “Did I Enrich Today?” One of the ways we can enrich…The

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


With the holidays on us, maybe your intermittent fasting schedule isn’t as rigorous as it once was. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because social

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


Zero’s not been my hero. Through grade school and college, zeroes used to be something of a monster in my mind. Teachers illustrated just how bad a zero is

Day12: Weight Loss Vlog|Intermittent Fasting Results|What I eat in a day|85.7kg~60kg|16:8Hr Fasting


I took part in an energetic discussion of intermittent fasting experiences as part of the release of Women Action Takers Who Gained By Losing for which I wrote