Thursday, Sep 19, 2024

Fingernail Health Can Hold Clues to Internal Health. What Do Yours Say?

Can your fingernails reveal the secrets of your health? They can show you nutritional deficiencies, systemic issues, injuries or toxic loads caused by medications. They can reveal a lot about your health. Your fingernail's health is not an independent diagnostic tool. However, it can give you a better idea of potential problems that need to be investigated further.

What does the health of your nails reveal about you? Find out now!

The health of your fingernails can tell you a lot about your overall health

1. Soft or Weak Nails

Soft or weak fingers bend before breaking. Soft nails are a sign of fingernail disease, similar to brittle ones. They may indicate that you have been exposed to chemicals or moisture, such as cleaning fluids, nail treatments and removers.

The weakening of nails can also be caused by a lack of B vitamins, iron, calcium or fatty acid. Other symptoms of vitamin B deficiency are pins and tingles in the hands or feet, fatigue and pale skin.

What can you do to improve the health of your fingernails when they're soft and weak? Reducing chemical exposure. Take a break from nail polish or remover. Try to increase your intake if you notice other signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency.

2. Pitted Nails

Do you notice pitting on your nails? Nail pits can be described as small, round depressions in the nail. Nail pitting occurs in people with skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema. It may coexist with psoriatic arthritis or be linked to alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss.

What can you do to improve your fingernail's health if you notice nail pitting on them? It's worth talking to your doctor if you notice nail pitting. This is often associated with disorders or inflammation of connective tissues, including the skin and joints. You can discuss ways to reduce overall inflammation and support connective tissue health.

3. Peeling Fingernails

Peeling your fingernails is not easy. This is usually due to an external trauma. It can be caused by a low level of iron in the body. Which is the best for you?

To determine if you have an internal problem, look at your toenails. If your toenails are peeling, the problem is more likely an internal issue, such as iron.

Iron deficiency can also cause fatigue, dark circles under the eyes, spooned or swollen nails (see below), heavy legs that are not springy when you run or walk, and newly formed pallor. Laboratory tests, such as serum ferritin 5, can help diagnose iron-deficiency.

What can you do to improve the health of your fingernails when they peel? If it is caused by external trauma avoid using your nails as a tool or pressing too hard into the nail. Also, don't use acrylic polish on them. Talk to your doctor about adding iron-rich food or supplements if the problem is caused by an iron deficiency.

4. Brittle Nails

Onychoschizia is a condition where your nails are split or rough. This is actually quite common. It is not a sign of an internal problem. Instead, it's a result of repeatedly washing and drying your nails and hands.

What can you do to improve the health of your fingernails when they become brittle and dry? Use hydrating lotions for your hands and nail tips to prevent them from drying out. Wear gloves when washing dishes or performing other tasks that require a lot of water.

5. Fingernail Ridges

Are there thin vertical ridges running from your tip of fingernail to your cuticle on your skin? Do not worry if you have horizontal ridges. They are generally not an indication of health issues or a cause for alarm. Horizontal ridges may be a sign of a medical condition or side effect of treatment. Beau's Lines are horizontal grooves that appear on all 20 of your nails as a result of chemotherapy. Beau's Lines have also been linked to systemic diseases such as measles and mumps. They are also associated with malaria, typhoid, scarlet fever, and hand, foot, and mouth disease.

What can you do to improve the health of your fingernails if you notice ridges on them? You can either ignore vertical ridges or use a fingernail buff to gently smooth the surface. You can attribute horizontal lines to known medications or medical issues, or consult a healthcare professional for the cause.

6. Thick Yellow Nails

Yellow nails are not uncommon. Yellow nails can be a result of an infection or a reaction from a product such as nail varnish. Yellow, thick and yellow nails are another issue. Onychomycosis is a nail fungus that can cause thick, peeling and discolored fingernails.

Yellow nails may indicate thyroid conditions, skin disorders, or abnormal blood sugar levels.

How can you improve the health of your fingernails when they become yellowing or thick? Do you suspect a nail product is the cause? Stop using the product and watch for changes. Speak to your doctor about possible causes if the thickening is not caused by a product. Speak to your doctor if your nails have become thicker and yellower.

7. Black Lines on the Nails

Splinter hemorrhage is another name for black lines on the nails. These lines can look like splinters and may appear as brown or dark-red. These black lines are usually caused by trauma. If the injury is due to a trauma, these lines should disappear as the nail grows.

In rare cases and when they don't, the lines may be an indication of a underlying problem, such as skin, nail, or heart cell issues (8).

What can you do to improve the health of your fingernails if they have black lines? Give it time if there is a trauma. As your nail grows, the lines should fade. If the lines don't disappear after a few months, speak to your doctor and keep an eye on any other symptoms such as night sweats or inflamed nail.

8. Nails with white spots

It is possible that you are deficient in zinc if your nails have white spots. This could also be an allergy to a particular product, a fungal infection (as seen in thick yellow nails), a nail injury or fungus.

Zinc deficiency can also be characterized by unexplained loss of weight, unhealed wounds, a decreased sense of taste and smell, diarrhea, loss in appetite, or open sores.

What can you do to improve the health of your fingernails if you notice white spots? Allow your nails to grow without polish or any other product. If you notice that the spots persist or reappear or have other symptoms of low zinc, speak to your doctor about possible zinc deficiencies and supplements.

9. Spooned Nails

Spoon nails, also known as koilonychia, are soft nails that are turned up at the edges to create "spoons". This condition is often a symptom for iron deficiency. Iron deficiency can be caused by poor iron absorption or intake, bleeding, gastrointestinal problems, and other factors.

Other iron deficiency signs include fatigue (not explained), dark circles under the eyes, peeling of the nails (see above), heavy legs, not springy ones, when you run or walk, or newly developed paleness. Laboratory tests, such as serum ferritin (9), can help diagnose iron-deficiency.

What can you do to improve the health of your fingernails? This is usually caused by an iron deficiency. Talk to your doctor about adding iron-rich food or supplements, and/or testing serum ferritin.

Fingernail health: general recommendations

The fingernail is an epithelial appendage. The nails are composed of a nail plate that is hardened and surrounded by epithelial surface. The nail plate is made up of epithelial keratinized cells. The fingernails grow distally by over 3 millimeters a month.

As mentioned above, fingernails may show signs of systemic problems, nutritional deficiencies, or connective tissue issues. So, it makes sense to promote connective tissue health as well as adequate nutrition intake. If your fingernails are still abnormal, you could be dealing with underlying conditions or systemic diseases.

Consider adding these to your diet in order to improve the health of your fingernails, including reducing inflammation and ensuring adequate nutrition.

  • Collagen Powder (supports connective tissue)
  • A Food-Based Multivitamin/Multimineral
  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods & Supplements
  • How to increase your Glutathione and Minerals Needed

Consider giving your nails regular rests from polishes and glues that are harsh or contain other chemicals.

Bottom Line

Your fingernail's health could be a clue to your overall health. They are not a diagnostic tool but they can give you the first clues. Monitor any abnormalities and signs in your fingernails. What do your fingernails tell you?

Post Fingernail Health can Hold Clues for Internal Health What do Yours Say? First appeared on Dr. Don Colbert.

By: admin
Title: Fingernail Health Can Hold Clues to Internal Health. What Do Yours Say?
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Published Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 19:14:08 +0000

Frequently Asked Questions

What's a recommended lazy keto diet to start?

Keto can be a daunting task. It's easy to become overwhelmed by all the books, websites, and nutrition advice out there. This is where the lazy keto diet comes in.

Instead of tracking all your macros, lazy keto diets focus on reducing net carbohydrates to 25-50g per day in order to enter and maintain ketosis. This approach is far less strict than traditional keto diets because you don't have to keep such close tabs on caloric intake or macronutrient ratio.

In simple terms, a lazy ketogenic eating plan allows you to skip tracking macros. Instead, it encourages you to eat whole foods low in carbs that you enjoy most.

Lazy Keto is a great way to get low-carb lifestyle without sacrificing your favorite meals or compromising important nutrients. Lazy Keto is great for those starting on their health journeys who have little time or knowledge about keto nutrition plans or if you need a break from counting macros each day yet still want to reach your weight loss goals.

What is a Ketogenic Meal?

Keto diets are easy to follow. It's just regular healthy eating with an extra twist. You can replace processed carbs with high-quality protein and fats.

You'll reap the many health benefits of this diet, including improved energy levels, better cognitive performance, and improved digestion. And you'll be able to do it all while enjoying delicious meals full of great-tasting ingredients.

What's a great example of a tasty ketogenic dish? It could look like grilled salmon over fresh kale, sprinkled with parmesan and paired in olive oil with roasted vegetables. Or perhaps it's an omelet overflowing with bacon bits, flavorful bell peppers, and melted cheese, all cooked up in your favourite buttery spread.

Whatever route you choose to take when creating your next keto meal recipe, quality ingredients will make it a winner. Get in the kitchen to discover new flavors and savour healthy recipes that will change your life!

Is keto right?

Investigating what is "right" for you and your journey means making a deliberate choice to ask hard questions and do your research. The keto diet has been around since the beginning and is still popular today. It is believed that it offers many health benefits, not just weight loss.

Ask yourself: What are my health goals. What are my health goals? Do I want to lose weight or improve my mental clarity? If done with care, keto can be a great place for a start.

Keto works to reduce the amount of carbohydrates we consume, and is best when there are 20 grams a day. This puts our bodies in a biochemical state called nutritional ketosis, where fat is used as an energy source to replace sugar and glucose. It might seem hard initially to adhere strictly to this limit of carbs, but it will get easier as you become more comfortable with it.

You should be able to see positive metabolic effects by following the ketogenic diet as long as your nutritional quality is strong and you continue to eat healthy fats such as Omega 3 fatty acid and other beneficial mono/polyunsaturated oils found in avocados and salmon.

You can make keto a sustainable diet if you have the right nutrition intake. You can make keto work for you, if done correctly. Take the time to research and learn about keto from reliable sources before you take any big steps forward (or backward).

What is lazy keto vs keto?

Understanding the difference between lazy keto or keto is crucial to determining which one suits your lifestyle and needs. A traditional ketogenic diet (lower fats, moderate protein intake, and lower carbs) is beneficial for weight management, mental clarity, energy regulation, as well as energy regulation. Lazy keto offers a more accessible approach with generous carbs intake restrictions.

Contrary to popular belief, lazy keto does not pay as much attention to macronutrient tracking. Instead, it focuses more on a basic low-carb diet that has fewer restrictions and still reaps the benefits of traditional keto diets such as weight loss, mental clarity and improved appetite control. This is why it is often viewed as a stepping stone to the keto lifestyle.

Keto involves hours of researching recipes that adhere to dietary protocols and ensures precise macro-nutrient measurements when preparing meals--the process can be quite meticulous yet effective over time as carb intake becomes further restricted while fat consumption increases. As its name suggests, however, lazy keto embodies a less stringent approach, dispensing with much of this rigour in exchange for simple, adapted low-carb eating habits that don't require careful calculations at every mealtime.

So, traditional ketogenic diets have a lot of benefits but are very intensive. But lazy keto can be an alternative. This is for people who don't want to make a commitment to a diet plan and still get consistent results.

What happens if you go over 20 carbs on keto?

Pondering the potential ramifications of what happens if you go over 20 carbs on keto? It is important to weigh the potential consequences of consuming too many carbs on keto.

Unravelling the conundrum of how much is too much when it comes to carbs requires understanding how they interact with your body and how quickly your body processes them.

Avoiding too many processed carbs when following a low carbohydrate diet such the ketogenic diet is key. The rule of thumb is to limit your body's energy needs. This means limiting your total carbohydrate intake to less than 20g per person. This number is critical to maintaining ketosis. Excessing this amount can cause imbalance in the body and slow down progress.

For optimal health and best results with tracking macronutrients, it is a good idea to stick within the recommended limits of a ketogenic diet. Doing this will increase the efficiency of your body's breakdown of these macro components to fuel energy production. This is a crucial step in achieving a sustainable weight loss and physiological equilibrium.

Is the first week of keto the hardest?

Preparing for the first week of a keto diet is often daunting. It involves significant lifestyle changes and forces most people to step out of their comfort zone. It can seem daunting to think that you will be saying goodbye your favorite high-carb foods.

But don't fear! It's possible to make this the most rewarding week of your life by getting the right information and support. It's possible to survive on the ketogenic Diet, but also thrive with consistent effort and dedication.

Take it slow. Transitioning to a new diet takes time. As you adjust to this low-carb lifestyle, you might feel groggy. Don't worry! Healthy fats and low-sugar veggies will replenish your energy while helping you keep your portion sizes under control.

It is important to remember that this won't last forever. Once your body adjusts, your cravings for high sugar carbs will ease. Hunger will naturally subside and your metabolism will remain energized throughout your day.

Mental fortitude and concrete steps can make a huge difference in making the daunting task seem less daunting.

How long does it take to lose weight with lazy keto?

It can be difficult for people to figure out how long it takes to lose weight with the lazy keto plan. There are many factors which influence the success of the diet. It won't be the exact same for everyone. It depends on individual lifestyle, goals, and adherence to this type of diet.

Studies suggest that after about two weeks, you might see a consistent decrease in body weight. You might notice a decrease in body weight after about two weeks. However, it is possible for factors like your caloric intake or body composition to cause inconsistencies. It is best to stick with the plan and keep track of your progress over a longer period.

For those who don't exercise regularly, there is no need to worry; even without physical activity, most people who follow this program can expect at least some weight loss during the first few months. Regular exercise and sensible eating habits can lead to noticeable results in as little time as seven days.

Consistency is key when trying any lifestyle change, like maintaining a healthy diet or starting an exercise regimen; it will help you reach your goals faster if done consistently and correctly according to relevant nutritional requirements for your body type and metabolism rate. The results of programs like lazy keto can be achieved quickly with hard work, dedication, knowledge, perseverance, and hardwork.


  • Fats should replace the majority of cut carbs and deliver approximately 60–80% of your total caloric intake. (
  • It typically contains 70% fat, 20% protein, and only 10% carbs (9Trusted (
  • One older study found that the ketogenic diet improved insulin sensitivity by a whopping 75% (25Trusted Source (
  • But, a 1-ounce slice of cheese delivers about 30% of the Daily Value for saturated fat, so if you're worried about heart disease, consider portion size when eating cheese. (
  • Recommended Keto diet includes: Keto sushi bites, olives, one or two hard-boiled or deviled eggs, keto-friendly snack bars, 90% dark chocolate, full-fat Greek yogurt mixed with nut butter and cocoa powder, bell peppers, and guacamole (

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How To

Ketogenic Diet - Exercise Incorporation

For a healthy lifestyle, it is important to reenergize your daily routine by adding exercise. Incorporating the principles of ketogenic dieting spur you towards these goals by creating the optimum condition for shedding excess fat and building lean muscle.

It is important to achieve a transformation that is both stylish and sustainable. While one can begin exercising almost immediately, seeking professional guidance throughout the process is highly advised to ensure gradual progress and maximum results over time.

Beyond burning calories, strategic programs should be tailored to the individual's health and needs. Intense strength training (HIIT), is increasingly in demand as a method of rapidly increasing metabolism and giving structure and form to the body.

Alternatively, one could adopt low-resistance training, allowing oneself plenty of rest during cardio exercises such as walking or jogging while still achieving substantial results without risking further injury or fatigue.

You can combine Ketogenic Dieting with regular Exercises to increase your control over what you eat, how you feel and gain more strength. This combination will lead you to a better way of achieving physical strength, mental clarity, balance, and overall wellness. When they are combined, they create an approach that encourages steady improvement with minimal side effects.


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Fingernail Health Can Hold Clues to Internal Health. What Do Yours Say?


Discover how to get a good night's sleep with ease! Find out why sleep is so important for weight loss and learn five simple changes you can make today to

Fingernail Health Can Hold Clues to Internal Health. What Do Yours Say?


Find out which three words may be sabotaging your success when it comes to reaching your weight loss goals and what you can say instead. If you want to finally

Fingernail Health Can Hold Clues to Internal Health. What Do Yours Say?


If you want to be on the ketosis diet, then there are a few things you need to know. One of the main things is that you must keep an eye on your..