Saturday, Sep 7, 2024

5-Minute Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe

It's not necessary to make a fancy salad dressing. This easy lemon vinaigrette will give you a zesty, peppery and delicious dressing in under 5 minutes.

Photo credits: Kathrine Irwin

Lemon vinaigrette can be used for a variety of salad dressings. This easy vinaigrette is a variation of the Greek classic Ladolemono. It uses fresh lemon juice, dried oregano and Dijon mustard to give it a peppery and velvety taste.

This recipe for lemon vinaigrette will last in your fridge for up to one week. You can use this vinaigrette for many other things than just green salads. You can also use it as a marinade for chicken, a sauce to go with cooked fish or to dress salads of roasted vegetables and grains.

Table of Contents
  1. Why make homemade dressings and vinaigrettes at home?
  2. Ingredients in this Lemon Vinaigrette recipe
  3. Ingredient Spotlight
  4. How to make Lemon Vinaigrette
  5. Best Vinaigrette Ratio
  6. How to Mix it Up
  7. What to serve with Lemon Vinaigrette
  8. More Vinaigrette recipes you'll also like
  9. 5-Minute Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe Recipe

Why make homemade dressings and vinaigrettes at home?

Making your own salad dressing is not only cheaper, but also more convenient. The benefits far outweigh any time it takes.

Here are a few good reasons to make your own lemon vinaigrette instead of buying it at the store:

  • Fresh ingredients enhance flavor
  • Ingredients of high quality equal better nutrition, flavor and nutrition
  • Preservatives and stabilizers are not necessary extras
  • Salt and sugar are under your control
  • You can make it to suit your taste

Ingredients in this Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe

Here's a super simple dressing that you can make with pantry staples. What you will need is:

  • Lemon juiceis a fresh acid.
  • Dijon Mustard gives the dish a peppery punch and some body. Without it, the oil and lemon won't be able to emulsify and become velvety. Dijon mustards are all good, whether they're smooth, stone ground or seeded.
  • Garlic gives a spicy, savory depth of flavor.
  • The dressing is made more complex with dried oregano. If you prefer, substitute parsley or basil for the dried oregano.
  • Kosher black Pepper and salt enhances the flavor.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an important component of flavor. You need a high-quality oil with a pleasant flavour.

Ingredient Spotlight

Making homemade vinaigrettes is a great way to save money. The oils used in most store-bought vinaigrettes and dressings are low-quality and lack flavor as well as polyphenols. You can make your own dressings and vinaigrettes using extra virgin olive oils that are rich in antioxidants. They taste better too!

You can choose the flavor of your olive oil once you have chosen a good-quality olive. For my dressings, I prefer a peppery EVOO and choose our Early Harvest Greek EVOO and our Spanish Hojiblanca EVOO.

A milder, butterier EVOO such as Arbequina will also work. Or a medium-bodied, fruity EVOO such as Nocellara. You can choose to make your vinaigrette bolder and punchier or more mellow.

  • READ MORE Olive Oil 101 - Everything you need to know
  • Try it: Everyday Olive Oil Bundle

How to make Lemon Vinaigrette

Vinaigrettes should always be tasted. Start with less oil if you want a stronger citrus flavor. Before dressing your salad, taste it and adjust the amount of salt. This simple homemade dressing is easy to make:

  • Whip. In the bowl of a mixer, combine 1/4 cup lemon, 2 teaspoons Dijon Mustard, 1 to 2 garlic cloves minced, 2 tablespoons dried oregano and a large dash each of salt and pepper.
  • Add the oil. Continue whisking while adding 1/2 to 3/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil. Whip until emulsified.
  • Use or store. You can adjust the seasoning according to your taste. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to a week. Re-incorporate the oil by giving it a good stir.

Best Vinaigrette Ratio

Vinaigrette can be made by combining 1 part citrus juice to 3 parts oil. In this case I use 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice and 3/4 extra virgin olive oils. This isn't technically vinaigrette because there is no vinegar. But no one complains!

Mix it up

This recipe for lemon vinaigrette is a formula you can modify to suit your taste and the ingredients you have available. Here are some suggestions:

  • Combine the herb with fresh or dried tender green herbs like basil or parsley.
  • Add sweetnessIf the tartness is too much, you can add honey to balance it out (I prefer our Greek Honey).

What To Serve With Lemon Vinaigrette

The lemon vinaigrette makes a versatile salad dressing. You can use it with any greens you like, whether they are endive, arugula or kale. Don't limit yourself to salads! This recipe for lemon vinaigrette can be used in many other ways:

  • Use as a marinade when grilling or baking chicken. The chicken should soak in the marinade for 30 minutes or less, but not overnight. Acid can cause the chicken to become rubbery. Use this Greek Chicken Marinade recipe for cooking instructions. You can also grill the chicken after shaking off the marinade.
  • Dressing for roasted vegetables. Dress your favorite roast vegetables, such as beets or potatoes.
  • Use as a sauce for sandwiches and wraps. Use it as a condiment on toast, sandwiches or wraps in place of mayonnaise, mustard or aioli.

You may also like: More Vinaigrette recipes

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5-Minute Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe

A simple, delicious and vibrant vinaigrette that you can prepare in less than five minutes with pantry staples.
Dressing, Condiment
Cuisine American/Mediterranean
Diet Gluten Free, Low Lactose, Vegan, Vegetarian
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Total Time: 5 Minutes
Servings 16 Servings, more or Less (about 3/4 cup)
Calories 61.8 Kcal
Author Suzy Kardsheh


  • 1/4 cup lemon juice (from about 2 large lemons)
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 to 2 large garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano
  • Kosher Salt
  • Black pepper
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil


  • Whip. In the mixing bowl, combine lemon juice, Dijon mustard, garlic, oregano and a large dash of each salt and pepper (1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon).
  • While whisking the extra virgin oil, incorporate the oil. Continue whisking until the oil is fully emulsified.
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Covered in the refrigerator for up to a week. Re-incorporate the oil by giving it a good stir.


  • Browse our store to find quality Mediterranean ingredients such as olive oil, honey, jams and spices.


Carbohydrates: 0.5g

The Mediterranean Dish first published the 5-Minute Lemon Dressing Recipe.

By: Suzy Karadsheh
Title: 5-Minute Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 13:00:00 +0000

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Mediterranean diet predominantly plant-based

Yes, the Mediterranean Diet has a large portion of its diet being plant-based. Plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds are staples of this ancient diet. The traceability of red meat, poultry, fish and other animal protein sources around the Mediterranean Sea has meant that they are less common in modern diets. You can choose to avoid these protein sources if you are a vegetarian/vegan. Tofu and soy yogurt are excellent options for additional nutrition and protein.

Is the Mediterranean diet safe for people with diabetes?

People with diabetes or other health issues will find the Mediterranean Diet helpful. This diet emphasizes whole foods and limits refined sugars and carbohydrates. It also focuses more on healthy fats than butter and lard. This helps reduce diabetes risk in people who don't already have it. It also controls blood sugar levels and insulin for those with diabetes. Incorporating light exercise into your diet can help stabilize and regulate blood sugar levels. You can make healthy food choices such as substituting white bread for whole-grain bread, or adding nuts to your salads in place of crackers. This will help you to manage many health conditions.

What are the main principles of the Mediterranean diet, and how can they be applied to your daily life?

The Mediterranean diet is a lifestyle choice known for focusing on healthful and nutritious food choices and regular physical activity. This diet focuses on fruits, vegetables whole grains, legumes and healthy fats such olive oil and nuts. A moderate amount of dairy, meat, fish, and poultry is also encouraged. It also encourages red wine in moderation. The main principles of the Mediterranean diet include:

  1. Consume primarily plant foods including fruits and veggies, whole-grain bread, cereals, beans (legumes), and seeds. You can also eat yogurt (preferably low fat) and small amounts (at most twice per week) of lean poultry or red beef. There are very few fried foods.
  2. When possible, choose fresh ingredients over prepackaged processed foods.
  3. Add herbs rather than salt to flavor meals generously.
  4. Take a walk after dinner to get in some exercise, or sign up for an exercise class.
  5. Enjoy sharing meals with friends and family, and enjoy the joy of eating together.
  6. Pay attention to the tastes, textures and smells of your food. This is mindfulness eating. This will enable you to recognize when you're full and satisfied.

Can I lose weight on the Mediterranean diet?

Yes, you can lose weight following the Mediterranean Diet. Because the diet focuses on whole foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and olive oil, it can reduce calories and provide vital nutrients for your overall health and well-being. You can lose weight by including physical activity in your diet. Additionally, reducing highly processed foods, red meat consumption, and added sugars can help maintain a healthy weight over time if paired with the right mindset!

Can I use regular oil instead of extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Extra virgin olive olive oil can be substituted for regular olive olive oil in the Mediterranean diet. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, (EVOO), has a higher quality, more nutritional benefits, and a milder flavor. Regular olive oil, however, is still an option. Regular olive oil works well for everyday meals, such as roasting vegetables to stir fry dishes. It is more affordable than EVOO and may be more suited for high heat applications like deep frying. It does not have the same nutrients and positive compounds as EVOO so make sure to get these benefits from other areas of your diet.

What are the main ingredients in a Mediterranean diet

A Mediterranean diet consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grain, legumes and nuts. There are also small amounts of red meat and lean poultry about once a week. Dairy products such as low-fat yogurt or cheese are also included. Fresh ingredients are preferred to pre-packaged processed food. It is better to use herbs than salt to spice up meals. Physical activity should also be included in daily routine to reap the full benefits of this diet. This diet can be made more enjoyable by sharing mindful eating techniques with friends and family when sharing meals.


  • Aim to get 20 to 35 percent of your total daily caloric intake from fat, and for saturated fats to represent less than 10 percent of your total caloric intake, advises the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (
  • Other components in tomatoes may help reduce the risk of blood clots, thereby protecting against cardiovascular disease, according to a March 2019 review in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. (
  • 1g sugar Benefits Rich in heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats, these nuts may also favourably impact your gut microbiome (and thus improve digestive health) and lower LDL cholesterol, according to a small study that included 18 healthy adults. (
  • The research suggested that the diet reduced the risk of cardiovascular issues, including stroke, heart attack, and death, by about 30 percent compared with the control group. (

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How To

How to Plan a Week Of Delicious and Nutritious Mediterranean Meals

Mediterranean eating is a good way to improve your overall health, and quality of living. This high-nutrient diet emphasizes healthy fats and whole grains, legumes as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. You can reap many benefits from eating this way, including improved blood lipids, glucose control and reduced risk for certain types of cancer.

Following these tips can make it easy to incorporate Mediterranean-inspired foods into your diet: swapping out high-calorie snacks like chips with nutrient-dense vegetable appetizers or other traditional greens or beans dishes; learning how to increase variety with spices or different sources derived from nuts, fruits, and vegetables; integrating more whole grains, legumes, and high fiber items that can enhance satiety after meals; adding moderate amounts of dairy products like yogurt cheese and milk throughout the day for added nutrition; using olive oil as the primary cooking fat instead of traditional oils; occasionally enjoying a glass of red wine to complete the Mediterranean experience.

For a week filled with delicious, healthy meals that fall within the Mediterranean diet guidelines, you will need to focus on specific ingredients. This could include protein, fish, poultry or eggs, as well as healthy fats like olive oil nuts and avocadoes. You may also want to consider vegetables in prepared vegetables salads dips spreads soups or vegetables, starches like potatoes, legumes, old grains, and others. ; fruits for desserts snacks smoothies, etc. Seasonings herbs and sauces, as well as optional dairy yogurt cheese or kefir. Mixing different combinations throughout the week can help you maintain a healthy Mediterranean lifestyle. Combining the meal with regular physical activity will offer even more significant increases in short-term results and long-term positive impacts on body composition and overall health status.


5-Minute Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe


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