Friday, Oct 18, 2024

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet

Updated interview from November 2023

Introduction to David Dugas’ Journey towards a Healthier Lifestyle with the Carnivore Diet

David Dugas is a 30-year old physical therapist assistant who hails from Cajun country. David's story involves more than just a dietary shift; it is a tale about transformation and discovery. David's eating patterns were not ideal before he adopted the Carnivore Diet. David's diet was largely reliant upon processed foods. Whole foods were rare. The consequences of this lifestyle were not the least of which was severe gastrointestinal problems and a lack energy.

David's journey to a healthier life began when his wife, who was inspired by Shawn Baker’s appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, tried the Carnivore Diet. David felt compelled to try it after seeing her amazing results. He adapted his diet to suit his lifestyle, including fast food meals due to the nature of his job on the road, as well as home-cooked meals. David's most notable changes were not only physical, but also improvements in his emotional health and dental health.

This introduction sets the scene for a story of transformation, improved health, and the power dietary changes.

David Dugas’ Success with the Carnivore Diet : A Transformational Journey

David Dugas' conversion to the Carnivore Diet marked a significant change in his life. This was especially true in terms of his health and well-being. David Dugas' diet was mostly made up of processed foods that were devoid of essential nutrients and were laden with preservatives. His poor diet affected not only his physical health, but also his quality of life.

David's wife tried the Carnivore Diet. David was inspired by her success and his desire to change when he saw the positive results. It is noteworthy that David adapted the diet to his busy schedule as a physical therapy assistant. David's diet consisted mainly of fast food meals based on meat for lunch, and home-cooked meals for dinner. He included a variety, preferring leaner cuts and maintained a higher fat intake.

David's benefits were many-sided. He noticed a marked improvement in his physical appearance, which was quite different from his previous condition. The most important thing is that his chronic gastrointestinal problems, specifically IBS which was a constant cause of discomfort, completely disappeared. David reported that his energy and mood had improved along with the physical benefits. The diet also improved his dental health.

David's experience is a testimony to the importance of diet on health. David's experience with the Carnivore Diet shows not only the physical changes, but also the lifestyle and emotional changes that come along with a mindful eating approach.

Benefit #1: Improved Digestive Health & IBS Relief

David Dugas' digestive health improved dramatically after he adopted the Carnivore Diet, and he was able to reduce his Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. David Dugas suffered from severe IBS that frequently interfered with his daily life. David's health improved dramatically after switching to a meat-focused diet.

With its focus on meat and animal-based products, the Carnivore Diet naturally eliminates common allergens and irritants that are found in typical diets, including gluten, lactose and certain artificial additives. This can result in a significant reduction of inflammation and irritation throughout the gastrointestinal system. This reduction in dietary irritation can lead to fewer IBS attacks and a more stable digestion process for many people like David.

The high content of protein in this diet may also help to repair and maintain the gut lining. This condition is often linked with IBS. Simpler foods are easier to digest, since the body does not have to deal with complex substances. This can result in a more efficient digestion, and better nutrient absorption.

David's story shows the Carnivore Diet can be used to manage and even resolve chronic digestive problems, giving hope to those who are suffering from similar conditions.

Benefit 2 : Improved Physical Fitness and Muscle Growth

David's physical fitness and growth of muscle was another notable benefit he experienced from the Carnivore Diet. David struggled to gain muscle mass and bulk up before adopting the Carnivore Diet, despite his regular exercise. Carnivore Diet’s high fat and protein content was a game changer in this respect.

A diet high in animal protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. It is particularly beneficial to do this after a workout, since the body requires ample protein in order to repair micro-tears that are caused by the exercise. Carnivore diets are by nature a good source of essential proteins.

The high fat content of the diet plays an important role in hormone regulation. This is especially true for testosterone, which has a vital impact on muscle strength and growth. The healthy fats found in meat are essential for hormone production and balance. The combination of this hormonal support and a regular intake of protein creates the ideal environment for muscle growth.

David's improved fitness and increased muscle mass is proof of the Carnivore Diet's effectiveness in enhancing and supporting athletic performance and body composition. His story is especially inspiring for anyone looking to increase their muscle mass and strength through diet.

A New Chapter in David Dugas’ Life

David Dugas' story of his Carnivore Diet journey is an inspiring tale of personal transformation. This diet has not only changed his eating habits, but also his emotional well-being and quality of life. Just the tip of the Iceberg is the disappearance of IBS symptoms, and the dramatic improvements in his fitness. David's story of rejuvenation is a testament to how dietary choices can shape one's life and health.

David saw the Carnivore Diet as more than a way to improve his health; it was also a catalyst for an overall lifestyle change. He gained a new outlook on nutrition, wellbeing, and health. David's story is an inspirational example of how a disciplined and focused approach to eating can result in remarkable health benefits. This message resonates with those who are seeking similar changes in their life.


This blog is intended for informational purposes and not to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any questions about a medical condition, always seek out the advice of a qualified physician. The results and experiences described in this article are unique to the author and may not reflect the results of other people.

David Interview

Introduce yourself.

Hello everyone. David Dugas is from Cajun Country. I'm 30 years old. I am a proud father and husband, and a physical therapy assistant.

Terrible. It was the worst. Since I was a little girl, I had a very picky palate. I lived on processed garbage. I ate anything that was packaged in a bag or box and contained preservatives. It was rare to eat whole foods.

Shawn Baker was on Joe Rogan when I first heard of the diet. After seeing my wife's results, I would not have hesitated to give it a try.

I approach it from a very practical perspective. Since I am on the go all day, my meals are mostly fast food. I have become quite creative in making my own meals. I have five eggs in the morning, sometimes bacon. For supper, I make a delicious home-cooked meal. I eat a lot of ground beef, which is a great alternative to a steak.

What to do first? The biggest change for those who haven't been eating well is the physique. I used to suffer from a lot of GI problems. I had IBS problems multiple times per day, almost every day. This has just disappeared. Positive mood shifts Become more energetic. This diet is also big on dental care. It's easier to maintain, and it's better for your mouth. There is no more sugar or carb plaque on my teeth. I have been able gain a little bit of muscle mass by working out, which my body was unable to do before.

The diet has been incredible. The convenience issue would arise if I did not have the convenient fast food choices I've been allowing myself. It is not too expensive, as the myth suggests. Burger King charges me $5.95 for four patties and four slices of cheese. The only other thing that I would say is that the "extremists'" of this movement make it unpalatable when it comes to sharing it with others. Not everyone drinks blood or eats raw meat. We have normal people among us. Even my steaks are seasoned. Cher, I'm a south Louisiana native.

I started lifting weights daily for the first couple of months. The results were amazing. I have slowed down to lifting weights a few days a week and will continue to maintain. Unfortunately, I didn't lift any weights before beginning the diet so it is difficult to compare.

Give it a try for a month if you are still unsure. You can see what it does for you. You won't be hurt by it. It's likely that if your results are similar to those of most people, it will become a way of life. You may find it difficult in the beginning, but you will be amazed at the results you see after a month.

It has potential. It is amazing to see the progress in the year since I became aware of this diet. This momentum may continue because of all the incredible results that we're seeing. This blog has been a great success and it is not surprising. It's a great product and it doesn't need to be sold. It's worth a try.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my story and view on diet. Anyone interested for more can follow me on Instagram @laissezfairecarnivore. I'm also on Minds @laissezfairecarnivore. If you're still reading, but thank you!

Ketogenic endurance - I hope you enjoyed this article.

Thank you for reading Steven

More Information

Please visit my other sites and media for more success stories and insights. Always consult a medical professional before making significant changes to your diet.

This challenge is a great way to test yourself and find out what you are capable of. This challenge involves eating only animal products, such as eggs, meat, fish and dairy. You can reap many health benefits, including improved digestion, mental clarity, increased levels of energy, and weight reduction.

Check out these real-life Carnivore Diet Success Stories if you need some inspiration to begin the Carnivore Diet. These success stories are about people who achieved great results through the Carnivore Diet. They include significant weight loss, improved health markers and an overall improvement in well-being. It can be motivating to read about other people's success and to inspire you to continue to work towards your goals.

It's important to have support as you begin the Carnivore Diet. We encourage you to join the Carnivore Diet Success Stories group on Facebook. You can meet people who share the same interests, get advice from other members, and connect with others on the journey.

Subscribe to my Ketogenic Endurance channel on YouTube for engaging and informative videos about health and fitness. You will find plenty of useful information about how to be successful on the Carnivore Diet. This includes tips on how you can overcome challenges and remain motivated.

Join the Reddit Carnivore Diet Group if you are active on Reddit. This group is a great resource for those who want to learn more about Carnivore Diets or connect with other people who are passionate about it.

Follow me on Twitter at @ketoendurance for regular updates and tips about the Carnivore Diet. I provide tips and tricks for a successful Carnivore Diet as well as my personal journey.

Follow me on Instagram, Steven Chasing goals to get a peek into my journey and learn how I succeeded on the Carnivore Diet. You'll get daily updates as well as tips and advice about how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet.

Check out my TikTok videos @ketoendurance for a fun, informative look at the Carnivore Diet. You'll find here short and engaging videos with tips and insights on how to be successful on the Carnivore Diet.

If you want to see even more content, and interact with the community, please like my Facebook page Steven Chasing goals. You can share your experience, get inspired, and find motivation by connecting with other Carnivore Diet fans.

We can continue our carnivore adventure together and discover the health benefits that come with a meat-based dietary.

Contact me via the contact page if you'd like to share your own success stories.

Search "Carnivore Diet Success Stories" Hub Keto Press on Amazon for Carnivore-friendly designs.

By: Steven Chasing Goals
Title: David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 04:30:00 +0000

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when you exceed 20 carbs in keto?

What happens to keto if you eat more than 20 carbs? This is an important thought and should be carefully considered. Consuming too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain, or even stalling weight loss.

Understanding how carbs interact with your body and how fast they are processed is key to unraveling the mystery of how much is too many.

It is crucial to not eat too much processed carbohydrates while on a low carbohydrate diet, such as the ketogenic. The rule of thumb is not to exceed your body's requirement for energy, which means reducing your total carbohydrate intake to no more than 20g per day. Ketosis is a state of ketosis that you must maintain. Exceeding this can cause imbalances in the body which can hinder progress.

For optimal health and best results with tracking macronutrients, it is a good idea to stick within the recommended limits of a ketogenic diet. Doing this will increase the efficiency of your body's breakdown of these macro components to fuel energy production. This is a crucial step in achieving a sustainable weight loss and physiological equilibrium.

Can you eat keto fruit?

Are you curious about whether fruit can be eaten on a keto diet. However, be cautious.

It is important to reduce carbohydrate intake to maintain ketosis and to burn fat. Some fruits can still be part of a balanced keto diet.

Although low-carb fruits may be included in a keto meal plan they should only be consumed sparingly and in moderation. Different fruits have different amounts of carbs. For example, avocados have very little carbs while bananas have much more.

You can find sugar in fruits. Your body converts it into glucose to make energy. If you are trying to reach nutritional ketosis, an excessive amount of sugar could cause blood sugar spikes. It's important to pay attention to servings sizes and not overdo it on the sugary stuff.

Fresh fruits are better than sugary snacks and will supply essential vitamins, minerals, fibre, and fuel for our bodies.

When considering whether or not eating fruit on the keto diet is for you, always remember that fresh fruits are usually healthier than sugary treats - but only if you stick to one small portion at a time!

What is a Ketogenic Meal?

The ketogenic diet makes it easy to eat. This is a way to eat healthy, but with an added twist. A twist includes ditching processed carbs and replacing them with high-quality proteins and fats.

As a result, you'll benefit from this diet's countless health benefits, such as increased energy levels, improved cognitive performance, better sleep, and improved digestion. All this while enjoying great tasting meals.

So what does an example of a tasty ketogenic meal look like? It could look like grilled salmon over fresh kale, sprinkled with parmesan and paired in olive oil with roasted vegetables. Perhaps it's an overflowing omelet with bacon bits and flavorful bell peppers. All cooked up in your favourite buttery sauce.

It doesn't matter which route you take when crafting your next keto-friendly meal. Quality ingredients are the key to any recipe being a hit! Let's get creative! Get in the kitchen and discover new flavors while enjoying healthy recipes that can change your life.

Is the first keto week the most difficult?

The first week of a ketogenic diet can be difficult. It is a lifestyle change that requires major lifestyle changes. It can be daunting to realize that you have to say goodbye high-carb meals.

But don't fear! This will be one of the most rewarding weeks in your life if you have the right information. With perseverance and dedication, you can not only survive, but thrive on ketogenic eating.

The key is to start slow - transitioning onto any new dietary plan takes time. It's normal to feel tired as you adapt to a lower-carb diet. But don't lose heart! Eating healthy fats and low-sugar vegetables will help replenish necessary energy stores while keeping portion sizes in check.

It is also important to understand that it will not be permanent. Your body will adjust and cravings for high-sugar carbohydrates will diminish. You will feel fuller all day.

The key to making this daunting task manageable is mental fortitude. You can also take tangible steps before entering ketosis.

How long does it take to start losing weight on lazy keto?

It can be challenging to calculate how long it takes to lose weight on the lazy keto plan. There are many factors that can influence the effectiveness of the diet, and they won't work for everyone. It all depends on your lifestyle, goals, and how you adhere to this diet.

Studies suggest that after about two weeks, you might see a consistent decrease in body weight. Studies show that fat loss can be affected by factors such as body composition and caloric intake. The best advice is to keep on track and stick to the plan.

Even if you don't exercise often, it is possible to lose weight even if you do not engage in any physical activity. Regular exercise and sensible eating habits can lead to noticeable results in as little time as seven days.

You must be consistent when making any lifestyle changes such as changing your diet or getting into an exercise routine. This will ensure that you reach your goals sooner. With dedication, knowledge, and hard work, significant results from trying programs like lazy keto should appear quickly.

Can you eat oatmeal on keto?

The most difficult thing to solve is the unanswered question. Many are still confused and lost when it is time to find the right food options for the keto lifestyle. You'll notice this especially with oatmeal, which has a lot of carbs.

You can still eat oatmeal, but it's possible to make a keto lifestyle out of oatmeal. It all depends what type you buy, and how many you consume.

You need to look at the ingredients, such as nuts, seeds and other low-carb add-ons, that are combined into one deliciously nutritious dish. Pure oatmeal is rich in fibre and protein. However, they do not compromise the keto diet.

In addition to being mindful of portion sizes, oats should be added to your daily meals. You don't need to run a marathon, or eat too many overnight meals. Instead, you can exercise self-control and limit your portions while maximising flavour with innovative ingredients like coconut milk, cinnamon powder, and chia seeds.

Ultimately oatmeal can provide an unconventional breakfast option within a firmly established nutrition plan like Keto if done with all the right steps in mind. If you aren't careful, it won't be easy to convince someone that following your principles means giving up on taste. Proper planning can produce serious results.

Can you eat rice with keto?

Hesitating? You aren't sure if or how rice can be incorporated into a ketogenic lifestyle. There are two options: yes or no. Depending on which rice you choose, it may fit into your macros but could cause problems with your carefully planned diet.

Rice is a grain-based carbohydrate that packs rather large amounts of energy per serving. You should limit the amount of rice you eat, whether it's white, brown, or wild. Certain varieties, like the cauliflower and broccoli rice are low in carbohydrates, yet still provide essential nutrients, including vitamin C, fiber, and even protein.

Cauliflower can be used to replace rice in ketosis. It has 3g of net carbs per 1-cup portion. That said, even with this readily available substitution, there are other helpful tips to know before incorporating it into your meals: use a small amount carefully portioned out (or pre-measured) and put aside for your meal; check the packaging for any added ingredients (such as salt) as these might affect net carbs; bake instead of fry for further calorie reduction; add flavorful toppings with healthy fats such as avocado, and finally ensure enough hydration throughout the day to reduce potential bloating from any additional starches you receive from your meal containing rice.

Healthy grains like cauliflower rice, which is low in carbs, can help support a ketogenic lifestyle. Are you wondering if keto rice is good for you? You should be mindful about the variety and how much rice you choose for each meal. Also, avoid any extra fixings that can take away from the delicious and nutritious benefits of this grain.


  • Proteins should account for around 10–30% of energy needs, while carbs are usually restricted to 5%. (
  • It typically contains 70% fat, 20% protein, and only 10% carbs (9Trusted (
  • Fats should replace the majority of cut carbs and deliver approximately 60–80% of your total caloric intake. (
  • Around 35% of total calorie intake is probably the upper limit. (
  • Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of energy, but on a strict ketogenic diet, less than 5% of energy intake is from carbohydrates (learn more in our beginner's guide for the ketogenic diet). (

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How To

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Following a Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet is only successful if you adhere to it correctly. It is common for people to make errors when they start their ketogenic journey. This can greatly impact their progress.

It is important to pay attention to what you eat and how much. Poor choices of carbs or too much fat can cause weight gain and lower ketone levels. It's important that you monitor your carbohydrate intake, fat, as well as protein for each meal.

Accidentally consuming hidden carbs could truly derail your efforts. Hidden carbs can also be found in parmesan cheese, processed meats, or other seemingly innocent foods. Also, be wary when eating out, as restaurant meals often exceed recommended carb limits due to added sauces or starches like rice or potatoes.

It can be a problem to stick to a ketogenic diet if you do not drink enough water. The body requires a lot of fluids during the process of ketosis, especially during the induction phase, while adjusting to fasting. You can avoid side effects such headaches as fatigue, fatigue, and cramps by just staying hydrated.

You shouldn't expect miracles in a matter of hours! It will take time for your body to adjust to burning fats rather than glucose. So be patient as you join the "keto community". Keep track of your progress to stay motivated, but appreciate that the process will take some time - so don't give up!


David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


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David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


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David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This Kale and Red Onion Savory Breakfast is a meatless low-carb breakfast bake that will start your day with a healthy dose of veggies! And this breakfast bake

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Many people ask “are tomatoes keto-friendly?” It’s understandable since tomatoes are in almost EVERY savory dish out there. Some worry if they can eat this

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Brain Health and Sleep It is critical that we support our circadian rhythms to enable good sleep cycles. But today we are bombarded by these wavelengths of

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


I’m updating this collection of Low-Carb and Keto Baked Chicken Recipes because I think baked chicken is perfect for dinner when the weather is cold! And this

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Learn how to make this perfectly creamy pumpkin risotto with low-carb cauliflower rice, pumpkin puree, and heavy cream!

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Nothing says “fall” like apples! With the days starting to get shorter and summer beginning to slip away, your mind might be wandering to thoughts of apple

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Easy to prep, this Mexican zucchini and ground beef skillet combines fresh zucchini and ground beef with fresh spices for a delicious dinner!

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


All bodies are beautiful, right? At least that’s what we’ve been told. And over the past few years, this body positivity and anti-fat shaming movement...The

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


You'll love this kale salad recipe with curly kale, sweet and crunchy toppings, and the best maple dressing. Easy to make in just 10 minutes! Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This Crock Pot chicken thighs recipe is juicy and tender, with crispy skin and irresistible honey garlic flavor. An easy, delicious dinner! Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This delicious Curried Cauliflower is called Gobi Taktakin in India, where it’s a popular dish that’s sold on the street. And this fun way to cook cauliflower

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Learn how to make pumpkin pie spice with just 5 simple ingredients, and you can use it for every pumpkin recipe out there. It's so easy! Get The Recipe Pumpkin

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


My low-carb blackberry muffins are made with juicy blackberries, gluten-free flour mix, and just a touch of vanilla for a tasty breakfast.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make this easy roasted cauliflower soup recipe with just 6 simple ingredients! It's creamy, thick, and will warm you up on a cold day. Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


These roasted brussels sprouts with bacon are crispy, caramelized, and so easy to make. The perfect side dish in just 30 minutes! Get The Recipe Brussels

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


The most delicious homemade keto pumpkin spice latte recipe that's made WITHOUT pumpkin puree. The post $1 Easy Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe (Without Pumpkin

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Microwave spaghetti squash makes tender noodles in minutes! Learn the best way to cook spaghetti squash in the microwave, plus serving ideas. Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make an easy taco bake for dinner! This taco casserole recipe is packed with savory flavors from beef, black beans, salsa, and melty cheese. Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you're looking to switch your diet to a low carb diet to help manage your blood glucose levels, you may have asked yourself whether it's good for..

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This season, harness the flavors of autumn with my homemade pumpkin pie spice recipe! Add it to delicious baked goods, toasty drinks, and even savory stews.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make this easy chicken coconut curry soup recipe in 20 minutes, with simple ingredients like coconut milk, chicken, veggies, and curry paste. Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make this easy sausage stuffed portobello mushrooms recipe with sausage marinara filling and melty cheese. Ready in just 30 minutes! Get The Recipe Stuffed

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Everyone will love this juicy, tender rump roast recipe, seasoned with aromatic garlic and a blend of fresh herbs. An impressive, easy meal! Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Learn how to make delicious air fryer soft boiled eggs for a quick and easy breakfast any time of the week! Plus, dig into delicious serving suggestions to

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Why is it so darn hard to just get started? Have you ever noticed how so often there are things we WANT to do in...The post Overcoming Resistance and Finding

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Easy to make low carb gluten free pumpkin bars with chocolate chips that have no sugar added. They're so good even the kids love them.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Bake these pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for an indulgent, seasonal recipe – made with low-carb chocolate chips, pumpkin puree, and vanilla.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Elevate your sandwich game with this Chicken Avocado Sandwich. Not only is it quick to make (less than 30 minutes), but it also combines the creaminess of

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Savor the bold flavors in this Cajun chicken recipe, with tender spiced chicken, a creamy sauce, a hint of lime, and fresh cilantro. Get The Recipe Cajun

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Learn how to caramelize onions with this foolproof method! It's the best caramelized onions recipe for sweet, flavorful results every time. Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Perfect Instant Pot sweet potatoes take less than 30 minutes, for an easy side or meal prep. Includes a time chart for different sizes! Get The Recipe Instant

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This easy tomato bisque recipe is the perfect cozy soup! It's creamy, silky smooth, quick to make, and uses simple ingredients. Get The Recipe Tomato

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Experience the flavors of Thailand with this traditional Larb recipe. Made with ground pork, fragrant herbs, and a tangy dressing, this dish promises an

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This easy sauteed broccoli recipe with garlic creates perfect crisp-tender florets with browned edges. Ready in just 12 minutes! Get The Recipe Sauteed

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Transform carrots into a quick, perfect side dish with this honey roasted carrots recipe in the oven. Sweet, caramelized, and so easy! Get The Recipe Honey

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Ready to transport your taste buds straight to the Southern American? This Chicken Fried Steak is the epitome of comfort food, combining tender steak with a

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make spinach stuffed chicken breast with cream cheese in just 30 minutes! This flavorful, easy dinner needs only 6 simple ingredients. Get The Recipe Spinach

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Pumpkin cream cheese swirl muffins are iconic fall desserts you can share with everyone! Just look at them! You can see the rich, velvety cream cheese as it

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make this easy breakfast casserole recipe with eggs, and any meats, veggies & cheese you have on hand. It's quick & completely customizable! Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Learn how to bake pork chops in the oven perfectly in just 15 minutes! This oven baked pork chops recipe is juicy, flavorful, and so easy. Get The Recipe Oven

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Need the perfect fall dessert? Make some pumpkin bars! The post Rich & Creamy Pumpkin Bars With Cream Cheese Frosting appeared first on Thinlicious

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


You'll love this easy roasted root vegetables recipe with carrots, parsnips, beets, and sweet potatoes. A healthy, sweet & vibrant side dish! Get The Recipe

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Are you someone who loves sweet treats but also wants to live a healthy, low-carb lifestyle? Well, you’re not alone. Meet Julie Flynn, a self-proclaimed...The

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Wondering if you should be adding keto supplements and vitamins to your low carb diet? Confused about which ones are the most important to take?...The post The

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


We all know it: the Standard American Diet. It’s the way 99% of the country eats every day, with its sugar, carbohydrates, and processed food...The post

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Trying to hit your health goals but keep running into roadblocks? It may be time to have a good, hard look at what you’re doing...The post Stop the

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Picture this… you’ve hit your weight loss goal and you’re living in your dream body without the health issues and insecurities from being overweight. But...The

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Do you love to entertain? Or do you want to learn to entertain while living a low-carb life? You’ve come to the right place! On...The post Deliciously

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


“I’m so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time.” It’s a comment I hear a lot because most of us are...The post Gut Health and Hormone Havoc: Why

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Almond milk is a common dairy-free alternative in coffee shops, bakeries, and plant-based recipes. But is almond milk keto-friendly? Discover if you can

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Discover the best proteins for keto diet followers, along with low-carb recipes. Plus, learn all you need to know about protein intake!

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Looking for a low-carb alternative to potato chips? Try these air fryer kale chips! It's made with fresh kale, olive oil, and seasoning.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Experience the comforting taste of a classic Egg Toastie, passed down from my mum’s kitchen. It’s creamy, buttery and cheesy, combining the simple flavors of

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Dive into the heart of Southern cuisine with this delicious Shrimp Creole dish. A symphony of succulent shrimp, vibrant veggies, and a rich tomato base, all

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


My air fryer tortilla chips recipe is the snack food of your dreams! These keto chips pair perfectly with fresh salsa and guacamole.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


The ketosis diet for diabetics has been around for quite some time and it's been proven that it can be a great way to lose weight and reduce your..

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


There’s just something special about strawberries. In season, out of season, the price tag doesn’t matter, those fruity red gems are always on my mind. But are

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Are you struggling to stay energized throughout your workday? Maybe your coffee isn't hitting you as hard as it used to—if so, it may be time for a caffeine

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Maybe you heard someone ordering a Cafe Misto and left wondering what that was. It isn’t a drink that gets advertised much, and it’s almost never even featured

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Coffee is a popular beverage worldwide. People drink it for various reasons, such as the taste, its ability to keep you awake, and its ability to boost your

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re a lover of all things chocolate, you’ve come to the right place. Here we break down all of the best beverages at Starbucks for die-hard chocolate

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re someone who walks into a Starbucks completely overwhelmed by the plethora of decadent drinks, flavors, roast types, and so on—you’re probably

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Maybe you’ve been shopping around for the perfect syrups to use in your home coffee bar, but none of them are quite as good as the Starbucks brand ones. I get

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


There is no better way to charge your senses in the morning than with a cup of coffee brewed to perfection. While multiple blends and varieties are available

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Does it sound like complete gibberish when someone is ordering a Starbucks drink? We get it. There are a ton of different words with rich histories that make

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


It’s no secret that beans are delicious, versatile ingredients. There’s nothing like a hot bowl of low-carb chili with beans on a cold day, or crisp green

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Inspired by traditional Spanish paella, this keto seafood paella is filled with flavorful spices, chorizo, and the seafood of your choice.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Making your own homemade Old Bay seasoning recipe is a simple process and is great to have on hand for all your seafood recipes!

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Are eggs keto-friendly? Dive into egg macronutrients, nutrition benefits, and low-carb recipes to discover if eggs are keto-approved.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Choripan is here to delight! Packed with smoky chorizo and topped with bold a chimichurri, it’s a sandwich that promises a burst of flavor in every bite. And

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Craving a dish that dances on the palate with a harmonious blend of spicy, sweet, and tangy flavors? Look no further! This Bang Bang Shrimp brings forward a

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This classic combination of succulent chicken and crispy bacon is packed into a delightful sandwich. Mixed with a zesty twist of chimichurri mayo, this Chicken

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Is pumpkin keto? Discover if you can eat this beloved winter squash on a keto diet, along with nutritional information and low-carb recipes.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Are you in the mood for some succulent, melt-in-your-mouth boneless pork ribs? Try this keto, low-carb recipe! Ready in 30 minutes.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make these delicious keto croutons for a crunchy addition to your favorite low-carb soups and salads. Prep them in just 5 minutes!

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This creamy homemade Caesar salad dressing is the perfect topping for a fresh and crispy salad. Plus, it's totally keto-friendly!

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Are tomatoes keto-friendly? Dig into tomato nutrition information, low-carb recipes, and health benefits to find out once and for all!

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


My keto chimichurri sauce recipe is made with the freshest ingredients like chopped parsley, garlic, olive oil, and spicy chili pepper.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


In under an hour, you can whip up this incredible honey walnut shrimp that both looks and tastes gourmet. This flavorful Chinese takeaway classic features

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and exploding with a unique blend of flavors, this Japanese-style fried chicken dish is perfect for a comforting

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Feast your taste buds on this delicious Arabic Saleeg recipe! It’s a comforting and flavorful dish that combines tender, broiled chicken legs with creamy,

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’ve been craving the luscious, zesty flavors of your favorite takeout dish, you’re in the right place. This Orange Chicken recipe brings the delight of

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Bring the culinary expertise of a world-renowned chef to your dinner table with this delicious recipe for Gordon Ramsay pork chops. Complete with sweet and

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Savor the rich and aromatic flavors of these succulent chapli kabobs that are seasoned with a distinctive homemade spice mix. They only take 30 minutes to make

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Looking for a delicious and fancy dinner recipe that is sure to impress? This Herb Crusted Lamb Rack is your ticket! An elegant main dish that tastes as good

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re a big fan of pickles and you’re wondering “Are pickles keto?” I have some good news. Pickles have about 3.5 grams of carbs per cup, so you can eat

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Want a delicious dinner that doesn’t take all night to make? Try our Nasi Goreng recipe! It’s an Indonesian-style fried rice dish that’s full of flavor, and

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Are sweet potatoes keto friendly? Well, it’s a bit complicated. You can eat an entire sweet potato without interfering with ketosis. However, I still wouldn’t

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


This Aloo Bhaji recipe is a popular dish from India. It's made with everyday Indian ingredients and results in a flavorful spiced potato meal. You can quickly

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you just switched over to a keto diet and are wondering, “Is corn keto friendly?”, I have some bad news: Corn contains too many carbs for it to be suitable

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Whole milk contains a whopping 12 grams of carbs per cup, so it’s definitely a no-go on keto. If you’re thinking about drinking almond milk on keto as an

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re thinking, “Are green beans keto?”, this in-depth guide is for you.  Below, I’ll cover everything you need to know before eating green beans on keto.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you are trying to eat a vegan diet, you may be wondering what you can eat on a Vegan Keto diet. There are many restrictions, but there are some..

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


I’ve taken my wing game up a notch and crafted these Butter Chicken Wings. Take the classic Murgh Makhani aka butter chicken gravy and dunk those chicken wings

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re wondering “is cabbage keto friendly?” here’s the quick answer: Yes, you can eat cabbage on a keto diet. In fact, cabbage is so low in carbs that you

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


There’s no better way to start your day than with a freshly brewed cup of coffee using the highest quality espresso beans. And the key to a great cup of

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make your Taco Tuesdays spicier with our homemade birria tacos recipe made with tender turkey thighs—a cozy twist to your Mexican classic!The post How to Make

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Make your Taco Tuesdays spicier with our homemade birria tacos recipe made with tender turkey thighs—a cozy twist to your Mexican classic!The post Make Birria

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Mug cakes are a ketogenic delicacy. They can be customized easily, are high in fat, and when made right can be completely sugar free and keto friendly. There

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Are you losing inches but not weight? I know that this is frustrating but it’s 100 percent normal.  Standing on a scale isn’t the most efficient way to measure

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Cottage cheese offers a soft but creamy texture that goes well with main meals and desserts. But is cottage cheese keto, and more importantly, can you eat

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Buttermilk is the perfect base for desserts like keto cheesecake and brownies due to its sweet taste and thick texture. But is buttermilk keto? This post will

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re like most people, you probably enjoy a good cocktail from time to time. Whether it’s because you’ve had a rough week and need to take the edge off or

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Seafood is one of the best things you can eat on keto. It has plenty of omega 3 fatty acids and DHA, which is necessary for brain health and proper immune

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Sometimes we need a break from coffee. Whether that’s because of the caffeine or simply the taste, it can be nice to change things up. But is there a tea that

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


I remember growing up and wondering why all the adults were obsessed with coffee. It smelled weird, was usually too hot to drink, and was an awful color. But I

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Espresso is one of the most popular ways to drink coffee worldwide. It’s a small, concentrated drink that forms the base of many popular drinks like lattes.

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Coffee shops keep getting more and more pricey as time goes on. You're not alone if you find yourself constantly taken aback by the total cost of your daily

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re always looking for the healthiest way to indulge in treats, like your morning Starbucks run, you’ve probably tried Starbucks coconut milk. It is the

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re vegan, you know that ordering at coffee shops can be tricky. Don’t worry, though—Dutch Bros has you covered. Dutch Bros offers a variety of vegan

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Do you love the refreshing feeling of drinking a minty beverage? You’re not alone, and science has answers as to why. The menthol in minty flavors tricks the

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Shrimp is my favorite seafood, as it has a sweet and salty taste and goes well with almost any meal or side dish. But is shrimp healthy and how many carbs does

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Grapes are surprisingly nutrient-dense. It contains ample vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium and potassium. The seeds are also edible and packed with antioxidants,

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’ve ever wondered what kind of espresso machine one of the most popular coffee chains in the world uses, we're here to give you the low down on

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re one of the many people who are either caffeine sensitive, cutting caffeine for pregnancy, or even just looking for a less aggressive pick-me-up, you

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Whether you have an early class in the morning or need to stay up late at night writing a paper, you likely need loads of coffee to keep going. This is

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you’re a fan of brownies and rich espresso, you’re going to love the Brownie Drink at Starbucks! Here is everything you need to know about what to expect,

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Is egg salad keto friendly? Let's find out if this easy and creamy dish can be enjoyed by people on keto. What Is Egg Salad? An egg salad is a dish made of

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Kale is a popular vegetable and superfood. But is kale keto friendly? Let's see if it can be a keto diet staple. Continue reading to find out! What Is Kale?

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Mayo is a popular and versatile sauce that gives food texture and flavor. However, is mayo keto friendly? Let's find out below! What Is Mayo? Mayo is the

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Is celery keto friendly? Let's find out if this leafy green vegetable can be enjoyed while on the keto diet. What Is Celery? Celery is a vegetable that belongs

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Agave is a natural sweetener and is one of the many alternatives to sugar. But is agave keto friendly? Continue reading to find out. What Is Agave? Agave syrup,

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Do you love cucumbers and is wondering, "is cucumber keto friendly?" then you've come to the right place! Find out if you can enjoy these vegetables while on

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Green tea is known for its health benefits. But is green tea keto friendly? Let's find out if people on keto can also enjoy this tea's benefits. What Is Green

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Sour cream is popular for its tart flavor and rich, creamy texture. But is sour cream keto friendly? Continue reading to find out! What Is Sour Cream? Sour

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Hidden Valley Ranch dressing is a very popular sauce. But is Hidden Valley Ranch dressing keto friendly? Let's find out! What Is Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing?

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Avocado oil is a nutritious and easy to use oil. And a lot of people on keto are curious, "is avocado oil keto friendly?". Continue reading below to find out!

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Propel Water is a famous sports drink by Gatorade. And people are curious, is Propel Water keto friendly? Continue reading to find out! What Is Propel Water?

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Strawberry is a very well-loved fruit. But is strawberry keto friendly? Read more to find the answer. What Is A Strawberry? A Strawberry is widely known and

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


If you want to be on the ketosis diet, then there are a few things you need to know. One of the main things is that you must keep an eye on your..

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Ready for a low-carb Keto Zuppa Toscana soup? It’s full of flavorful cooked sausage, diced bacon, turnips instead of starchy potatoes, fresh kale, and a touch

David Dugas’ Journey to a Healthier Life with the Carnivore Diet


Ranch is usually made with a combination of buttermilk, garlic, mustard and herbs. This gives it a creamy yet tangy taste that goes well with almost anything.