Friday, Jul 26, 2024

New Study Reveals: Hidden Risks of Pesticides in Popular Fruits and How to Avoid Them

As a healthcare professional committed to promoting holistic health and well-being, I find it increasingly important to discuss the implications of pesticide exposure from non-organic produce. Recent findings from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and investigations by Consumer Reports have shed light on the concerning levels of pesticides found in both domestic and imported fruits and vegetables, raising substantial concerns about their impact on human health, particularly hormone systems and potential developmental issues in children.

The EWG’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce highlights that a staggering 75 percent of all conventional fresh produce sampled contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides. More alarming, items on their Dirty Dozen list—which identifies the 12 non-organic fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides—show that 95 percent of samples harbor pesticide residues. Among the most frequently detected are fungicides such as fludioxonil, pyraclostrobin, boscalid, and pyrimethanil, with some showing properties that may disrupt the endocrine system and harm the male reproductive system.

Furthermore, Consumer Reports’ recent analysis echoes these findings, indicating high levels of pesticide contamination in commonly consumed fruits and vegetables, with a significant portion originating from imports. The report highlights that certain produce, like strawberries and green beans, even when labeled organic, still show pesticide levels due to widespread contamination and issues in pesticide regulation enforcement.

Consuming too many pesticides in food can lead to a variety of health problems.

  1. Neurological Effects: Pesticides have been linked to neurological problems due to their potential to act as neurotoxins. Chronic exposure can impair cognitive function, cause memory deficits, and increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease. A study by Freire and Koifman in 2012 found that exposure to pesticides in agricultural settings significantly increases the risk of Parkinson’s disease in individuals.
  2. Cancer: Various pesticides have been classified as probable carcinogens. Long-term exposure to these chemicals can increase the risk of cancers such as lymphoma, leukemia, and prostate cancer. A significant study by Alavanja et al. in 2013 suggests that high levels of exposure to certain pesticides may correlate with increased risks of multiple types of cancer in agricultural workers.
  3. Hormonal Disruption: Pesticides can interfere with hormone function, leading to reprodductive and developmental problems. These chemicals can mimic or block hormones, disrupting the body’s normal hormone functions, which may lead to issues such as infertility, birth defects, and developmental delays in children. Research published by Mostafalou and Abdollahi in 2013 highlights the endocrine-disrupting potential of several widely used pesticides and their implications for human health.

The implications of these findings are profound, especially for vulnerable populations like children and pregnant women. Fungicides and other pesticides are linked to various health issues, including hormonal disruptions and developmental problems in children. For instance, studies have shown that fludioxonil can act like estrogen and increase the proliferation of breast cancer cells. Similarly, pyrimethanil has been linked to thyroid disruption and may block androgen receptors in the body, posing risks to thyroid health and reproductive functions.

The dangers of pesticides extend beyond individual health concerns. The USDA’s tests, which still found traces of 254 different pesticides in fruits and vegetables after washing and peeling, suggest that the current methods of reducing pesticide exposure are insufficient. The presence of multiple pesticide residues can lead to compound effects that are not yet fully understood, potentially making them more harmful than the sum of their individual parts.

To combat these risks, it is crucial to adopt strategies that minimize exposure to pesticides, especially for those most at risk. While washing and scrubbing produce under running water can reduce pesticide levels, no method entirely removes all residues. Thus, opting for organic produce becomes a safer choice. Organic farming not only limits the use of synthetic pesticides but also supports sustainable agricultural practices that benefit the environment.

As we continue to uncover the long-term impacts of pesticide exposure, it becomes clear that current standards may not adequately protect our health, particularly that of children. The American Academy of Pediatrics and other health organizations recommend minimizing children’s exposure to pesticides, citing links to developmental delays and various health disorders.

While the health benefits of consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables remain clear, the potential risks associated with pesticide exposure cannot be overlooked. It is imperative for consumers to be informed and cautious about their produce choices, opting for organic when possible, and for policymakers to enforce more stringent controls on pesticide use. By taking these steps, we can help ensure a healthier future for ourselves and our children, free from the hidden dangers of pesticide contamination.

Divine Health makes an all organic greens powder and reds powder called Green Supremefood and Red Supremefood. One scoop of each contains the antioxidant equivalency of over 6 servings of fruits and vegetables. You can order them both here: Order

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Title: New Study Reveals: Hidden Risks of Pesticides in Popular Fruits and How to Avoid Them
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Published Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 18:42:40 +0000

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the first week in keto the hardest?

It is difficult to prepare for the keto diet's first week. This diet requires major lifestyle changes that push most people outside of their comfort zones. It can be scary to consider that you are saying goodbye to high-carb food favorites.

But don't fear! It's possible to make this the most rewarding week of your life by getting the right information and support. With perseverance and dedication, you can not only survive, but thrive on ketogenic eating.

The key is to start slow - transitioning onto any new dietary plan takes time. While you may feel groggy while you adjust to the lower-carb lifestyle, don't despair! You can replenish your energy levels by eating healthy fats and low sugar vegetables while still controlling your portion size.

It's important to realize that it won’t take forever for your body to adjust. After that, you will find your hunger diminishing naturally and your metabolism will continue to be energized all day.

Mental fortitude and concrete steps can make a huge difference in making the daunting task seem less daunting.

What is lazy keto and keto?

It is important to understand the differences between lazy keto and keto in order to choose which one best suits your needs and lifestyle. The traditional ketogenic diet is higher in fats and moderate in protein, but lower in carbs. This can help with weight loss, energy regulation, mental clarity, and other benefits. Lazy keto is an easier approach that has no restrictions on carbs.

Contrary to conventional keto, lazy keto pays less attention than traditional keto. It focuses instead on a simpler lower-carb diet with fewer restrictions but still reaping the benefits of conventional keto diets like weight loss, mental clarity, or better appetite control. With this in mind, it's often seen as an introductory stepping stone for those new to the keto lifestyle.

Keto involves hours of researching recipes that adhere to dietary protocols and ensures precise macro-nutrient measurements when preparing meals--the process can be quite meticulous yet effective over time as carb intake becomes further restricted while fat consumption increases. Lazy keto, as its name implies, is a more relaxed approach to low-carb eating. It doesn't require precise calculations and requires less research.

Summary: Traditional ketogenic diets can be intense and highly beneficial. However, lazy keto is an alternative for those who are unable to stick to a strict diet plan. It allows for consistent results without being tied down with tedious number crunching each meal.

Can you eat keto rice?

Hesitating? Many people are unsure whether or how to incorporate rice into a ketogenic diet. The answer is both yes and no -- depending on the type of rice you choose, it can fit right into your macros -- but could easily throw off the balance of your carefully curated diet.

Rice is a grain-based carbohydrate that packs rather large amounts of energy per serving. You should limit the amount of rice you eat, whether it's white, brown, or wild. However, some varieties, like broccoli and cauliflower rice, are low on carbohydrates and still contain essential nutrients like vitamin A, fibre, and protein.

Cauliflower contains 3g net carbs for a cup cooked portion. However, this is an easy substitution. You should make sure you have enough water throughout the day so that you don't feel bloated from the additional starches in your rice meal.

When done correctly, adding healthy grains such low-carb options like cauliflower rice can boost essential vitamins and minerals. If you are wondering whether you should eat rice while on keto, here is the answer. Pay attention to the type of rice and how many you choose. And, don't add any other fixings that could negate this wonderful grain's natural nutritional benefits.

Is keto right for you?

Investigating what is "right" for you and your journey means making a deliberate choice to ask hard questions and do your research. That is why the age-old keto diet has been around for so long and remains popular today - it is believed to offer health benefits far beyond just weight loss.

Ask yourself what your health goals are. What are my health goals? Do I want to lose weight or improve my mental clarity? There is no one-size fits all method, but keto can be an excellent place to begin if you do your research.

Keto works on controlling the number of carbohydrates consumed, working best with an average of 20 grams per day. This forces our bodies into a biochemical process known as nutritional Ketosis. Our bodies use fat as an energy source, instead of sugar and glucose. It may be difficult initially to adhere to this strict carb limit, but you will eventually get used to it.

As long as you maintain strong nutritional quality and intake of certain healthy fats, such as Omega 3 fatty acids and other beneficial mono/polyunsaturated fats found in avocados, salmon, or nuts, you should see beneficial metabolic effects from following a ketogenic diet, whether you want body composition changes or general internal health improvements.

If you balance your nutrient intake with keto, it can be very sustainable. Make sure to eat real whole foods and eat small portions. When done properly, keto can be very beneficial to your individual needs. So take some time to find out more and get started before taking big steps backwards or forwards.

Can I eat a keto vegetarian diet?

Understanding the basics of vegetarian ketosis is crucial to determine whether you are allowed to eat it. It's not difficult to follow a vegetarian keto lifestyle. This means you will have to eliminate animal products from your diet, and instead eat plant-based foods that are low in carbohydrates and high in fats.

When following a vegan keto diet, the most important thing is to monitor your macronutrients. This means weighing out how many carbohydrates, proteins and fats you eat each day. You should reduce your intake of protein and increase your intake of fat. In order to achieve nutritional ketosis (a state of optimal metabolic function), you must reduce your consumption of carbohydrates. This will make your body burn more calories than glucose and increase your metabolism.

Apart from monitoring carbohydrate intake and calculating macros, you will also need to pay attention to whole foods rich in nutrients like avocados, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, olive oil, and healthy unsaturated oil like coconut oil. Another important component of any vegan ketogenic diet is supplementing with essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B12 since many people lack enough of this nutrient due to their chosen diets.

By learning about plant-based options (like tempeh or tofu) that are naturally low in carbs but packed with protein and heart-healthy fats, then adding some strategic supplementation sprinkled with macro counting, you can easily hit your nutrient ratios for success on a vegetarian keto diet!

Can you eat fruits on keto?

Is it possible to eat fruit while on the keto diet? However, it is possible to eat fruit on a keto diet.

Ketosis means limiting carb intake in order to lose fat and keep you in ketosis. However, some fruits can be included in a balanced and healthy keto diet.

Low-carb fruits can be included in a keto diet, but they need to be consumed sparingly and with moderation. There are many different fruits with different carbohydrate content. For example, bananas have significantly higher carbs than avocados.

Sugar is found in fruits, which are broken down into glucose by the body for energy production. When you're trying to achieve nutritional ketisis, too much sugar can cause high blood sugar levels and lead to rapid weight loss. It's important to pay attention to servings sizes and not overdo it on the sugary stuff.

Choosing fresh fruit over processed or sugary snacks will provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre which help fuel our bodies without adding too many extra carbs associated with desserts or processed snacks like candy bars or pies.

Consider whether or not fruit is a good choice for you. However, it's important to remember that fresh fruits are healthier than sugary treats.

Are I really going to need a Keto Food List or not?

How do you determine if you require a keto food plan? It is an important part of your journey to keto. The key to reaping the benefits of the ketogenic diet is eating high-fat, low carb foods. There are so many foods and recipes that offer different amounts of carbs, it can be hard to choose the right fuel for your goals.

You can plan your meals easier by knowing which foods you are allowed to eat on this diet. It provides both information on what to eat and ideas for cooking them. It also gives you an easy reference guide that can take you to the grocery store or when eating out at restaurants.

A well-balanced nutrition approach can also help you lose weight while maintaining your overall health. This includes 12-15% protein, 15-30% fat, and no more than 5% net carbs to get into the metabolic state known as ketosis. It is important to choose meals that provide maximum nutrition with minimal carbs.

The reliable keto food list can help you move towards cleaner eating habits to improve your health and live a more fulfilling life. By taking advantage of this helpful resource, you're one step closer to achieving your lifestyle objectives.


  • Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of energy, but on a strict ketogenic diet, less than 5% of energy intake is from carbohydrates (learn more in our beginner's guide for the ketogenic diet). (
  • Proteins should account for around 10–30% of energy needs, while carbs are usually restricted to 5%. (
  • Fats should replace the majority of cut carbs and deliver approximately 60–80% of your total caloric intake. (
  • But, a 1-ounce slice of cheese delivers about 30% of the Daily Value for saturated fat, so if you're worried about heart disease, consider portion size when eating cheese. (
  • Around 35% of total calorie intake is probably the upper limit. (

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How To

Common Mistakes to Avoid when on a Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet is only successful if you adhere to it correctly. There are still many mistakes people make when starting their ketogenic journey. They can have a devastating impact on their progress.

It is crucial to pay close attention to the food you eat, and how much. Neglecting to eat enough fat or choosing the wrong carbs can result in lower ketone production, which can lead to weight gain. It's important to remember to monitor your intake of carbohydrates, fat, and protein levels for each meal.

Hidden carbs can be a real problem if you happen to ingest them. Hidden carbs can be found in processed meats, parmesan cheese and other seemingly innocent foods. It's crucial to carefully read labels. Take care when ordering from restaurants as many meals exceed the recommended carb limit due to extra sauces and starches such as rice or potatoes.

You can also have trouble adhering to a keto-friendly eating plan if you don’t drink enough water. During ketosis, the body needs a lot of fluids, particularly during the induction phase and while adapting to fasting. This simple rule can lead to side effects such as fatigue, headaches, and muscle cramps. It is easy to avoid by staying hydrated.

Remember, you can't expect miracles overnight. It takes time for the body to fully adapt to burning fats instead of glucose, so remain patient with yourself as you become part of the "keto community"! You can keep track of your progress and be motivated. However, it is important to remember that this process takes time.


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