Thursday, Sep 19, 2024

How to Cure a Hangover

How can you cure a bad hangover? It's best to avoid a hangover in the first instance - sorry for the snark.

Autoimmune Disease and Detoxing

Alcohol can be poisonous to those with autoimmune diseases and issues related to detox pathways, such as MTHFR mutation.

How to cure a hangover

Here are some of my favorite ways to treat a hangover.

How to get over a hangover: Rehydrate

Excessive alcohol consumption can dehydrate you. Drinking water is the most important thing you can do to cure a hangover.

Water is free! So drink up!

Bone Broth hangover cure

Bone broth is rich in electrolytes, vitamins and minerals. It can help you recover quickly from a hangover.

Bone broth is rich in protein, which provides you with energy-building blocks. Collagen can also soothe your stomach lining after an evening of heavy drinking.

Use my Ginger and Turmeric Bone Broth to treat nausea.

Heat up Kettle & Fire Bone Broth, add some ground turmeric and ginger, then a pinch of salt.

Chia Water Detox

I love chia because it is rich in fiber, which can help prevent the nasty enterohepatic recirculation that alcohol may cause.

How do you make Chia Water ?

Just grab a 1 quart Mason jar and fill it up with water. Then, add 1-2 teaspoons organic chia seed.

Allow the Chia Water to stand for 2 hours to allow the seeds to hydrate.

Not only will chia water help you to stay hydrated, but it also provides valuable nutrients and fiber.

This fiber helps to flush the alcohol toxins out of your body more quickly.

Coconut Water for Hangover

Boys like to drink coconut to rehydrate themselves and to balance their body after a night of partying.

Coconut water contains far too many carbs for me to be of much benefit.

You can find the hack for coconut water to cure a hangover here.

Ginger Licorice Tea Soother

After a night out, my ginger licorice recipe soothes the sinuses and heals your gut.

Coffee Migraine Brewer

Really? Coffee? Coffee?

Caffeine in coffee can help relieve migraine symptoms and a hangover.

Coffee, like alcohol is diuretic, and can dehydrate you further.

Dandelion Coffee: [TAG146] Cleanser

This easy Dandelion Coffee Recipe, which uses chicory and dandelion to cleanse the liver, is a healthy alternative to regular coffee.

This healthy drink can give you the boost your liver may need to recover from a binge.

Rehydration with Electrolytes

I suggest LMNT Electrolytes when the boys ask me what to do after drinking.

When you drink too much alcohol, electrolyte imbalances may occur.

Detox Drinks

You can detox and retox with my electrolyte-based cocktail, which includes:

  • Grapefruit Ranch Water
  • Keto Margarita

What is a mocktail?

You can drink mocktails to avoid a hangover. That's what I like to do.

What is a Mocktail , you ask? A mocktail can be made without alcohol using ingredients such as sparkling water, fruit, herbs and other tasty items.

Best Mocktails

If you're looking for a way to drink without getting hungover, here are some simple mocktail recipes.

  • Ginger Lime Mocktail
  • Turmeric Mint Mocktail
  • Kombucha Mocktail

How long does a hangover last?

A hangover usually lasts less than 24hours. But they can be miserable!

Below are some symptoms of drinking too much alcohol:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach Pain
  • Shakiness
  • Light Sensitivity
  • Poor Sleep

Goodbye Crapulence

Did you know the word "crapulence", which is another term for a hangover, has been used in the past?

If you're feeling a bit crappy, I hope it doesn't last too long and these hangover remedies help to get rid of it.


How to Cure a Hangover first appeared on Elana’s Pantry.

By: Elana
Title: How to Cure a Hangover
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2023 19:16:40 +0000

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Make the Paleo Diet Fit Your Lifestyle?

Paleo is about more than just eating well. This lifestyle is about changing your whole life. It covers everything, from nutrition to fitness, relationships, career, mental health, and more. It takes dedication and commitment to ensure it fits into your schedule.

The key to making this transition is understanding the paleo diet and what can be substituted. Many people find that meal planning, shopping for food, and researching recipes become an important part of their weekly life. If you are following strict paleo, each detail matters. So make sure to check every item before you place it in the shopping cart.

For those on-the-go lifestyles, it makes sense to find consistent ways to make eating healthy easier while supplementing with snacks or meals prepared ahead of time. Although takeout may seem like a good option, many restaurants offer gluten-free or low-carb options. Creativity and premeditation allow you to have a night out without compromising your goals!

Don't let it overwhelm you, although planning will help ensure that you stay on track with the paleo diet and allow you to integrate some yummy gourmet dishes into your daily routine! Prefer nutrient dense ingredients to processed items.

Can you lose weight on a paleo-style diet?

Unwavering in your approach and proactivity is the key to success. It is important to carefully consider your diet and lifestyle. Then, you can tweak it to achieve long-term nutritional harmony and lasting results. Understanding the principles of paleo is essential to help you determine whether or not it is suitable for you.

The final decision is up to you. It all depends on how strict you are with the diet, which foods you choose from each food category, and how active you are during the week. A paleo diet may help you reach your fitness goals. The same coaching and knowledge is essential to gain more weight using this method.

Realistic results can be achieved when you make practical meals that meet your caloric and physical activity needs.

You can increase portion sizes by adding more fats like nuts or sweet potatoes to your diet. However, this should be done in moderation so that you don't add too many processed foods like flours and refined sugars.

A balanced lifestyle that focuses on nutrition will result in optimal health. Just ensure that nutrition is your north star - that way, everyone can harness their desired outcomes while remaining steadfast with their chosen nutrition protocol!

Is cheese allowed on Paleo?

Sometimes, cheese temptation can be too tempting for those who aren't careful. Is Paleo okay to eat cheese? This is what you need to know: While there's no set rule, it was a tradition that cheese was not allowed in Paleolithic diets due to its dairy content.

If dairy-free is not a priority, then you might consider consuming moderate amounts of high quality cheese. It all depends on what your dietary goals are and how you react with certain foods.

For instance, some individuals are highly lactose intolerant and should avoid dairy products or eat them only rarely and in small amounts. People who don't have lactose intolerance can tolerate small amounts of milk byproducts from sheep or goat.

You can enjoy dairy-free cheeses more often by choosing vegan alternatives such as almond or coconut cheeses. These foods allow vegans to enjoy some cheese without having to compromise their values or preferences.

Which food group is avoided on a Paleo diet?

The dramatic health benefits of avoiding grains and legumes, dairy products, and processed foods are possible. Paleo diet is becoming increasingly popular.

Many people are unaware that certain food groups should be avoided in order to adhere to this diet. You must eliminate all foods containing dairy, grains, legumes, and processed ingredients.

This means you will be saying goodbye to bread, pastas, pizzas, chips, crackers, and baked goods, such as cakes and cookies. It is also important to cut back on dairy products, such as milk or cheese.

Also, avoid processed foods such canned soups and frozen meals. Without these hidden sources of empty calories, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats, your body will begin to thrive!

Paleo is the perfect way to get back to your nutrition and to enjoy great meals. It will be a rewarding experience.

What is the 85/15 rule of paleo?

Do you feel like your paleo diet isn't quite cutting it? It's not uncommon to feel this way. Many people are now accepting the 85/15 rule of paleo, which states that 85 percent of clean eating is acceptable if you're not in peak physical condition or have been competing in an important event.

This means that even if you indulge in food that isn't strictly paleo, it doesn't mean that your efforts up to now have been lost. Healthy indulgences are only 15% of the overall balance, so you won't get off-track with your healthy lifestyle.

It's easy for people to get sidetracked while embarking on a diet. However, this rule can help to make sure those slip-ups are only that--slips and not a derailment to your fitness journey. It applies to all, regardless of whether someone is just starting their wellness journeys or is at the top of their physical fitness.

While the 85/15 rule might not be part the traditional paleo guidelines however, as long you remain committed to the weekly plan and eat mostly whole foods, it can be beneficial over time.

What kind of fruit can you eat Paleo-style?

Fabulous! The Paleo Diet is an excellent place to start a health and nutrition journey. Paleo eating means that you adapt your diet to foods available before agriculture, like seafood, lean meats and fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

This eating style helps to reduce inflammation. It also eliminates processed foods, added sugars, processed vegetable oils, and other harmful ingredients that can cause damage to the body. It is possible to enjoy delicious, nutritious whole foods that provide nutrients that support your health by saying goodbye to these unhealthy items.

Paleo diets include fruits because they contain vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C (oranges, strawberries), and manganese (bananas). Apples, pears and melons, as well as papayas, mangoes, melons and limes, are all other fruits. They all contain the antioxidants your body requires to perform at its best.

If you are looking for something sweet and not too sugary, consider adding some fibre-rich fruits to your meals or snacks.

Your body will be nourished with powerful antioxidants, so it is important to ensure you are getting enough nutrients. Fruits are a great source of energy and don't weigh you down. You can even combine them with meals throughout your day!


  • Dark chocolate: Choose one that has 70% or higher cocoa content. (
  • Eaton and Konner, for example, wrote a 1988 book, The Paleolithic Prescription with Marjorie Shostak, and it described a diet that is 65% plant-based. (
  • (3) The paleo diet eliminates dairy because its advocates say many people are lactose intolerant and because eating dairy has been associated with Crohn's disease, among other claims, according to a popular paleo diet website. (
  • Plus, some of these foods — particularly beans — offer many compounds and are linked to positive health outcomes, such as a lower risk for metabolic disease, heart disease, and diabetes, according to a 2014 study. (
  • One study cited in the article, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that calcium intake levels among followers of the paleo diet were as low as 50 percent of the recommended daily value. (

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How To

How can I tell if the paleo diet works for me?

Questioning whether the paleo diet is working for you? Do you want to know if your efforts are producing results? You can find the answer in measuring and being attentive.

Start by accessing your progress with baseline assessments, taking measurements such as body fat inches, weight, cardio levels, etc. These individual metrics can be used to track how your body develops and changes over time.

Take the time to pay attention to how you feel mentally and physically. Notice any changes that occur since the beginning of the diet or after it has been started. It is common for people trying a new diet like the paleo to experience a sudden surge in energy and weight loss. You might not notice these subtle signals and miss crucial information about whether you should continue on the same path.

If you are looking for a way to know if something is working in your situation, talk to trusted professionals, such as personal trainers or nutritionists. They will be more than happy to give you an objective assessment of where you are with respect to your health goals.


How to Cure a Hangover


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The paleo diet is a popular way to eat. It has a lot of benefits, including reduced inflammation, increased insulin sensitivity and reduced blood..

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This Raspberry Crumb Cake is tender and moist and bursting with sweet raspberry flavor! It starts with a grain free lemon almond coffee cake topped with fresh

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesLooking for easy healthy recipes using fresh berries? Here are 15 delicious summer berry recipes to

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This Grapefruit Ranch Water recipe is made with replenishing electrolytes and will keep you detoxing while you retox! Grapefruit Ranch Water Recipe We can’t

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesLooking for ways to make weeknight meals faster and easier? Rotisserie chicken is a great meal prep

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If you're looking for a new way to eat, then you're probably curious about the paleo versus plant based diet. Basically, the paleo diet is a diet..

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In the mood for a treat, but don’t want to make an entire batch of dessert? My Chocolate Chip Cookie for One will hit the spot when you’re craving a little

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In today’s health-conscious world, it’s hard to ignore the buzz around gluten-free eating. Whether you’re a dedicated Paleo follower or a steadfast vegan,

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Do you want to remain calm, relaxed, and collected in the face of competition? Are you feeling overwhelmed leading up to the state cooking competition? Several

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The media has a significant impact on our world, shaping our beliefs, values, and understanding of truth. They also have a significant influence on our

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Filling and hearty in 10 minutes – you cannot beat the ease of this Instant Pot Sausage and Rice! Did you see? I had awake surgery! I know it’s a little wild

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Looking to feed a crowd easily for any meal of the day? This TATER TOT BREAKFAST CASSEROLE does the trick and comes together without browning the meat in

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Trends are funny. Now that TikTok is so huge, different ideas get popular so fast. Like butter boards. That was stupid. Or healthy coke. Was I going to try

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Lately, many of you have been asking me to create a homemade electrolyte powder recipe. It began when I wrote about Women, Food, and Hormones, and continued to

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In the first few years of marriage, it was pretty easy to think through the top things I learned that year. But now it feels like the years are speeding by and

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The cannabis industry is rising, becoming an increasingly popular and profitable market for investors. With the legalization of marijuana in many U.S. states

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In case you missed it, I’m starting a new series on my blog that is all based around the recipes I make for us at home. This is a meal that I cooked in the

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If I could go back in time, I would change a handful of things. First, I would change my diet and how I nourished my body. Secondly, I would start doing more

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I don’t mean to brag, but I kind of LOVE cabbage. Let’s be clear, though – this is a new love. Very new. Before I really only thought of cabbage as a veggie to

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If you’re struggling with headaches, muscle cramps, or fatigue while fasting or on a low-carb diet there’s a good chance you’re low in electrolytes –especially

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesThis healthy walnut muffin recipe with olive oil and honey is so easy and so good! They may become

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Looking for a great gluten free brownie recipe? As the founder of one of the first grain free blogs on the internet, I’ve been writing recipes for decades.

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New blog series coming your way! And this series is all about meals that I make at home for the family, that I really REALLY love. It’s very rare that I make

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These paleo espresso chocolate chip cookies have no chilling time and one bowl prep, so they’re ready from start to finish in just 20 minutes! Gluten free,

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The other day I went to the fish market (I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about this on every platform and in multiple blog posts…we get it Juli, you are weirdly

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I’ve been talking about feet A LOT lately. So it is only fitting that I talk about the only socks I’ve been wearing ever since I bought my first Bombas no-show

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Something I’m paying attention to more than ever right now is supporting my immune system. Since we have a baby who doesn’t sleep quite through the night, I’m

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesThese dairy-free smoothies are rich, creamy, and full of flavor with no dairy at all! From fruit

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Who wouldn’t love cookies for breakfast? These paleo carrot cake breakfast cookies are packed with nutrition plus they’re filling and so tasty! They’re dairy

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I’ve been craving more simplicity in my cooking lately. Most likely due to the fact that I have a child at home now and life is a bit more demanding. Before I


Paleo friendly banana blueberry coffee cake muffins with a grain free and dairy free streusel topping! Have one freshly baked or make them ahead of time and

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How whites are your pearly whites?   Were your teeth naturally straight, or did you need braces?  Is your mouth the picture […] The post CAVITIES AND YOUR GUT

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The Paleo diet is a diet that advocates believe mirrors the diet that humans had during the Paleolithic era. This diet also is known as the stone-age ..

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When I tell you this 5 Minute Prep Instant Pot Taco Soup will save your tush on a weeknight, I am in no way joking. Make it! I’ve been really focused on moving

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Having any chronic illness lasting beyond a few weeks can feel isolating at best. As time marches on, things can feel hopeless.  Here are Four Painful Truths

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If you want to breeze right past apple and pumpkin this holiday season, these White Chocolate Peppermint Crunch Cookies are right up your alley! I was recently

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Not even one iota of you will be missing regular buns with these Grain Free Cheeseburger Sliders. They are every bit as scrumptious as you imagine and without

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This Grain Free Mushroom Marsala Pizza might be the best thing to hit your taste buds and that’s an understatement!  I love mushrooms and I love pizza, but I

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Working on hitting protein goals?  Don’t forget about condiments! This Protein Packed Salad Dressing has almost 4 grams of protein per 2 tablespoon serving! If

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Bake ahead and grab a slice during busy mornings, this Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bread is a great protein-packed snack on the go!   Ok, I’m

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Shopping for safer skincare can be complicated and expensive. In this Clean Cosmetics Drugstore Edition post, I show you how to save on a few items so you can

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If you’re a fan of the one pot wonder, this No Boil Gluten Free Ravioli Lasagna is going to rock your world. No need to cook the meat or boil the ravioli ahead

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When I tell you that this Protein Rich Crustless Quiche might be one of my new favorite meals for any time of day, I mean it! Savory and filling plus 16 grams

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Las Vegas is called the entertainment capital of the world because it has an endless list of things to do at any time of day. This is why it is a popular

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Vein treatment is used to treat varicose veins, spider veins, and other types of abnormal dilations. The purpose of vein treatment is to reduce the appearance

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You’ve probably heard of CBD a lot. The name has become practically synonymous with the cannabis plant. But that’s not all there is to cannabis and its

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Depression is a severe and debilitating mental health disorder that affects people of all genders. Still, men may be particularly susceptible to certain risk

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Getting older usually indicates that you may experience more health-related issues. No one enjoys seeing their hair turn gray, getting more wrinkles, and


These paleo banana muffins are tender and perfectly moist, filled with toasty butter pecan flavor but grain free, dairy free and refined sugar free! Enjoy


These chewy Paleo Pumpkin Snickerdoodles couldn’t be easier to make! Perfect for the holidays or anytime you crave a sweet, soft, pumpkin spiced cinnamon sugar


These mini banana muffins are easy to make and so tasty! They’re grain free and paleo made with good for you ingredients like bananas, eggs, almond flour and


This Garlic Butter Salmon is an easy one pan meal you’ll want on repeat! Tender flaky salmon, crispy potatoes and charred brussels sprouts with a vibrant lemon


These paleo and vegan iced gingerbread cookies have a chewy, oatmeal cookie like texture, the best sweet warm spice blend and are easy to make! Perfect for the


These soft dreamy Paleo vanilla macadamia cookies are packed sweet vanilla flavor and crunchy toasty macadamia nuts. Gluten free, grain free, refined sugar


These grain free peppermint mocha cookies are crisp outside and chewy inside, just like a brownie! They have the perfect amount of peppermint and rich mocha

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I did it. I accidentally made adult hamburger helper. Well, I guess hamburger helper was always for all ages. It didn’t discriminate. But it was something I

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When someone says something mean to you, it’s very easy to get defensive and quickly jump to getting angry. But what if you listened to that comment for a

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Happy Sunday!! I have a new weekly dinner menu coming your way! And something I wanted to share was my new love for the Milkstreet Tuesday Nights cookbook. I

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I went back and forth about putting the word “healthier” in the title of this recipe since healthy is a very subjective word. My healthy is not your healthy,

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The Autoimmune Protocol, or AIP, is a science-based diet and lifestyle intervention for autoimmune disease and other chronic illnesses driven by immune

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Of all of my cake recipes, this is my favorite so far.  The cake flavor and texture is fabulous and what better (or more classic) way to top a vanilla cake

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My autoimmune disease symptoms started with puberty—fatigue, chronic constipation, migraines, steady and unrelenting weight gain that didn’t scale with my high

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If you are thinking about a Paleo diet, you may be wondering how many carbs you should be eating. While it is true that a diet that eliminates carbs..

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Recipes for quick weeknight meals are so essential when following the Paleo diet.  Knowing what you can quickly whip up when you get home late from work

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