Friday, Sep 20, 2024

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

My autoimmune disease symptoms started with puberty—fatigue, chronic constipation, migraines, steady and unrelenting weight gain that didn’t scale with my high activity level or caloric intake, a litany of skin problems, dry and thinning hair, brittle and thin fingernails, chronic joint pain, mild depression and anxiety. Throughout my teens and twenties, I just seemed to rack up the diagnoses, mostly labels for my symptoms (like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease to explain my gastrointestinal symptoms), but also new conditions related to inflammation that often seemed to come out of nowhere (like adult-onset asthma so severe that it presented similar to a pulmonary embolism, resulting in me being housebound for months while taking very high doses of prednisone). I didn’t seem capable of losing weight and keeping it off no matter what I tried—two decades on the diet yo-yo left me completely defeated, with binge-eating disorder, morbid obesity, metabolic syndrome, and a virtually non-existent sense of self-worth. By age 30, I had over a dozen diagnosed health conditions, including two out of the four autoimmune diseases I now know I have, and a medicine cabinet full of prescription and OTC drugs.

I often say that my main motivation for everything I do now is to help people find the answers they need without having to hit the health lows that I did before finding the Paleo diet and the Autoimmune Protocol. But, I do also want to recognize that, in many ways, growing up with autoimmune disease forged who I am. While my intelligence and talent are innate, I believe that my ambition and work ethic were borne out of striving for academic excellence while feeling exhausted and in pain almost all of the time (being too tired to get into teenage mischief helped too).

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

My stubbornness and resolve arose from being mercilessly bullied as “the fat kid” on the playground, too often facing misogyny as a woman seeking a high-profile career in male-dominated scientific fields, and the experience of rising up from the poverty of my childhood. My passion for helping others was ignited by decades of seeking help from medical professionals and being figuratively patted on the head and told that I was just a stressed student who needed Prozac and to count my calories and exercise. Without the qualities developed from those experiences, I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing now: leading a revolution in the alternative health community by educating autoimmune disease sufferers on the role that diet and lifestyle play in both their disease activity and in disease management.

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

If you’d asked my in my teens or twenties, I would have told you that my health problem [problem, singular] was being overweight. Those dozen diagnosed chronic health conditions didn’t seem separate to me from being obese. And obesity, to me, felt like wearing a sign at all times that read “Look at me! I’m unhealthy! I’m a failure!”. Despite my academic achievements (including graduating with distinction with an Honors Bachelors of Science, earning my PhD in medical biophysics by the age of 26, numerous scholarships and awards for research excellence, securing post-doctoral research positions in some of the highest profile laboratories in the country, getting my own grant funding as a post-doctoral research fellow, and publishing highly-cited papers in top-tier journals), being morbidly obese was an undercurrent that eroded all sense of accomplishment that I should have felt. I made up for it by cursing regularly, dying my hair crazy bright colors (blue, purple, platinum, fire engine red…), wearing power suits, and generally putting on a show of assertiveness that I never really felt, covering up my impostor syndrome with a confident exterior. So, I naively thought that, if I could just lose the weight and solve that problem, everything in my life would fall into place.

Sarah Before

Then in 2007, I had my first daughter. Still obese when I conceived, my pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. My newborn had colic and rarely slept more than 45 minutes at a time. She wouldn’t latch onto a bottle, so I was up all night nursing her. And, I couldn’t do it. I was too sick to balance motherhood and applying to tenure-track faculty positions, the expectation being that I would continue to work 80-hour weeks until I had established my own research program and a perfect self-renewing cycle of grant funding, a process that typically takes years. I had wanted to be a medical researcher from the time I was 7-years old, and here I was, unable to take that final step. The autoimmune diseases that fueled my stubborn desire to succeed were now stopping me from achieving a two-decades-old life goal. And, yet denial is powerful force: I still blamed my weight; I said that I was inspired by my mom staying home when I was young; I credited a program by the National Institutes for Health (called reentry grants for women) for giving me the option to take a few years off; and I called it “a break”.

My Paleo First Steps

After losing 100 pounds on a low-carb diet (spurred by realizing that I had developed type 2 diabetes when my oldest daughter was one year old, and facilitated by the fact that I wasn’t working), I was frustrated to discover that my life wasn’t magical unicorns and rainbows. In fact, while losing weight reversed my metabolic syndrome and normalized by blood sugar levels, all of my other disease symptoms worsened—my migraines were more frequent, my joint pain was more unrelenting, my asthma and gastrointestinal symptoms required higher doses of medication to manage, my depression was bigger, my anxiety attacks were more frequent, and my skin was a mess! I had eczema, acne, and my two autoimmune skin conditions—lichen planus and psoriasis—were in full flare. I had lost most of the weight I needed to lose, but it still felt like I was wearing that failure sign plastered across my forehead.

In the summer of 2011, I was sitting in my second daughter’s bedroom watching her play (she was 1 1/2 years old at the time), wearing long sleeves and pants to hide my skin, the weather in the mid-90s (mid-30s Celsius), hot, miserable and in pain… when I had my epiphany.

The words thin and the words healthy don’t mean the same thing.

I was active, and only 30 pounds from my goal weight, but I wasn’t healthy. I was missing something.

That’s when I started to think about diet in terms other than what I needed to eat (or not eat) to lose weight. Gazing at my inflamed skin, I remembered a tidbit I had picked up somewhere about eczema being linked to egg allergy; and, I began to wonder if my collection of skin conditions were caused by the food I was eating. I turned to Dr. Google and found an article on the original version of talking about lichen planus and the Paleo diet; Professor Cordain linked to a few scientific studies at the bottom of that article. I thought three things:

  1. “oh, this is that weirdo diet that Chad is doing” (my friend from undergrad who actually introduced me to my now husband);
  2. “there’s no [expletive] way I’m doing this [expletive] crazy diet and cutting out all those foods”; and,
  3. “ooh, scientific studies to read!”

The science was my hook. I took the next few months to read as much as I could about the Paleo diet. I read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and The Paleo Answer by Loren Cordain. I dove into PubMed and read the studies that Professor Cordain cited. And, it all started to make sense. I started to understand lectins and antinutrients. Despite conducting medical research on the immune system and the gut barrier, all of my research background was either focused on basic science or drug development (as most medical research is). I needed to teach myself nutritional sciences. Fortunately, I had experience switching scientific fields, so teaching myself a new branch of science was something I had the skills to do. Eventually I had learned enough to realize that I had nothing to lose, but I would see Robb Wolf’s “try it for 30 days and see how you look, feel and perform” and raise him another 60 days. On August 31st, 2011, I dove head-first into Paleo, with an initial commitment of 3 months.

From Paleo to The Paleo Mom

After two weeks of a standard Paleo diet, I was able to discontinue all six prescription medications I was on at the time (medications for asthma, allergies, GERD and IBS). I haven’t had a migraine since (except for the few times I’ve accidentally consumed dairy). My IBS and GERD completely disappeared. My anxiety attacks stopped. My energy improved. My aches and pains diminished greatly. My asthma no longer required daily medications to control. My weird allergies (like breaking out into a rash every time I touched cardboard) went away. My eczema and acne cleared. I started losing weight again despite having been plateaued for months. And, I became a zealot. I was all in. Like, let’s start a blog as an outlet for my enthusiasm level dedicated to the Paleo cause.

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

I never intended my website to become a career. As far as I was concerned, my plan was still to return to medical research once my youngest daughter was in school. I was simply nerding out over the science behind Paleo and enjoyed the exercise of writing about it in my own words—doing so provided me a link to the career I so deeply missed. I decided to transition my husband and kids to Paleo (read more about their stories in About Dr. Sarah’s Family) and I enjoyed sharing that experience with the anonymous internet. I was having fun experimenting in the kitchen and was proud to share my creations. was a great hobby. And then, it took off. People love the way I explain complex scientific concepts. They love my recipes. My story resonates. My audience grew, rapidly and completely organically. And, ten short months after I wrote my first blog post, I was offered book deals from two different publishers a week and a half apart from one another.

My AIP First Steps

As magical as those first few months of Paleo were, it wasn’t enough to actually fix everything. I still had lichen planus lesions and scalp psoriasis. I was convinced of the role of diet in my health, but I needed to dig deeper. That’s when I discovered that lichen planus and psoriasis are autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune. That word. Where had I seen it before? Ah yes, page 201 of The Paleo Solution, a three-quarter-page inset titled “Autoimmune Caveat”. Robb recommended additionally eliminating eggs, nuts, seeds, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers for a month or two for anyone with autoimmune or inflammatory issues (in addition to grains, legumes, dairy and manufactured foods—a typical definition of the Paleo diet in those days was a list of foods to avoid). In Chapter 9 of The Paleo Answer, Professor Cordain recommends that autoimmune disease sufferers additionally eliminate nightshades, alcohol, NSAIDS, oral contraceptives, and antacids (again in addition to strict avoidance of grains, pseudograins, legumes, and dairy—no 80/20 rule for us autoimmune folks). I found two websites at the time that combined these two overlapping-but-not-identical lists of foods and that dubbed them “The Autoimmune Protocol”. I decided I needed to try it, so as a New Year’s resolution for 2012, I eliminated all of the above.

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

The scientific explanations for these additional eliminations weren’t robust enough to satisfy me (I continue to this day to dislike the typical diet book formula, where the assumption is that the reader doesn’t care about science so all of the scientific evidence is glossed over, oversimplified, and reduced to ridiculous analogies), so I dove into the scientific literature on immune function and the intersection with prolamins, agglutinins, phytates, glycoalkaloids and lysozyme. Dr. Terry Wahls’ TedxIowaCity talk had just gone viral and I was learning about the roles of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, phytonutrients, and fiber. I was sold on nutrient density, so I worked on upping my vegetable intake and eating organ meat. My oldest daughter started sleeping through the night for the first time (at 5 years old!) after we eliminated gluten from her diet, and how much better I felt got me interested in the role of sleep in immune function. That got me interested in other lifestyle factors. All of the immunology that I had learned in grad school suddenly became very relevant. And, already, my website was transitioning from a mommy blog to the comprehensive health education site that it is today.

I felt like I was figuring out what the Autoimmune Protocol even was while I figured out how to implement it—not because there was a need for additional communication (although there was), but because the protocol itself was so rudimentary at the time that it was hard to even apply the term protocol. I researched all of the details, expanding the protocol and writing about each facet as I learned, adding the pillars of nutrient-density, sleep, stress management and activity, and making calls on those gray-area foods for which there was no guidance, solidifying the eliminations. I was integrating my other knowledge into the protocol, changing its focus from the negative what to avoid, to the positive what to eat, emphasizing lifestyle in addition to diet. I was developing recipes, trying to figure out how to eat AIP on a tight budget, and trying to understand what was specific to my body versus generally applicable and supported by scientific consensus. I bonded with a small group of other bloggers who were also implementing the AIP for their own health reasons, and who were following along with my research and also refining and writing as they went, and helping to spread the word to their own audiences (Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt of Autoimmune Wellness, Eileen Laird of Phoenix Helix, Christina Feindel of A Clean Plate, and Whitney of Nutrisclerosis). We were the small seed of what is now a vibrant AIP community, and we supported each other in both our health and professional journeys.

Popularizing the AIP

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

While technically the Autoimmune Protocol predated by entry into the Paleo and AIP communities, I recognize that it would not be what it is today without my research and my writing. Truly, I was just trying to figure out the missing pieces of my own health, but I intuitively understood that I’m not alone in this struggle, nor am I the only supernerd hungry for the scientific evidence in the world. As I researched the reasons for each AIP elimination, I started being able to rank their importance, and make judgment calls on the many foods and ingredients for which no prior determination had been made. And I started to understand the nutritional requirements of the immune system, I integrated a nutrient-density focus to the AIP. As I took a more holistic approach for my own health, I started to write about how lifestyle factors impact immune function. I didn’t realize at the time that my research was transforming the Autoimmune Protocol from an obscure fad based on a basic list of eliminations to a valid and comprehensive dietary strategy to support people with autoimmune disease. I didn’t realize that my core belief in the importance of representing scientific evidence in an unbiased and nuanced way brought scientific validity to the AIP. And I certainly didn’t realize that, while I was counting down the days until my youngest started kindergarten so I could return to the research lab, that I was actually creating a new career for myself, something much more important.

Sarah Paleo Approach Cookbook

When deciding between my book deal offers, I was choosing between writing a Paleo desserts cookbook (one specific book deal offer) or a book of my choosing (the other offer). It was actually a really easy decision! The world needed a book about the Autoimmune Protocol. And, I had the glorious opportunity to write a book the way I wanted to, not shying away from science, but instead leaning into it. I didn’t need to gloss over scientific evidence, nor to condescend to banal analogies to belabor my points; but instead, I could take the time to explain detailed scientific concepts in a way that was approachable and accessible to a general audience. I could respect my audience, break free of the diet book mold, and create something unique both in format, and I hoped, in usefulness!

It took about 14 months from signing the contract to The Paleo Approach making it onto book shelves. Originally, The Paleo Approach and The Paleo Approach Cookbook were going to be one book, but my publisher realized when I turned in the first part, that my original plan was too ambitious and the book needed to be divided into two. Because I worked on both in tandem, they were both published in 2014. It was such an amazing learning experience to write a book, and I loved it (why I continue to write books!), like working on a review article (or seven) but dropping all the pretentious scientific jargon. I had not only found something that I was uniquely qualified and skilled at, but I also found something fulfilling beyond what I had ever experienced working at the lab bench.

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

Thanks to referencing over 1200 scientific articles and to my writing style, The Paleo Approach became the definitive guidebook on the Autoimmune Protocol — creating the comprehensive protocol that exists today. I subsequently wrote two AIP cookbooks, The Paleo Approach Cookbook and The Healing Kitchen (the latter a collaboration with Alaena Haber of; collaborated with Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt of to create the AIP Certified Coach practitioner training program; and created the AIP Lecture Series for autoimmune disease sufferers and their caregivers. My other interests led me to write Paleo Principles (now the definitive Paleo guidebook), The Gut Health Guidebook and The Gut Health Cookbook, and found, which will be launching soon.

But it took me years to release an e-book guide on the Autoimmune Protocol, something that, looking back, seems like it should have been an obvious resource for me to have created from the very beginning. The reason for the delay is wrapped up in my reluctance to take ownership of the AIP (holdovers of having worn that failure sign for so long), and, because my career as an author and health educator is an accidental one, my lack of understanding, until recently, that the most robust online educational medium that I can use to communicate with people is all of them, everywhere, all at once.

Taking Ownership of the AIP

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

This is the hardest part of my AIP journey for me to write about, and something that I’ve never discussed publicly before. I was reluctant to be viewed as an, or even the, AIP leader and creator. I acknowledge that the AIP would not be what it is today without my extensive work, the overly simplistic origins would likely have fizzled into obscurity. I took something that existed only in a very rudimentary form, and through my research and writing, I expanded it, refined it, fine-tuned it, gave it scientific credibility, and popularized it. But at the same time, like a master baker creating a gorgeous wedding cake using a collection of ingredients that likely came from different sources, I had a starting place, inspiration and mentors, colleagues and likeminded individuals, all in addition to my research skills and my own passion—my own ingredients to use to create something beautiful. And, just like that master baker needs a community to elevate them, so too did I have that community, an amazing group of AIP bloggers to amplify my work so that it could take on a life of its own. This is why I resonate with the term creator, rather than founder or inventor or originator or architect or engineer or developer, because it can encompass both my invaluable work to make the AIP what it is today but also acknowledges the contributions of so many others…. like the master baker could not create her masterpiece without the chocolatier or the florist or the farmer.

Now, the majority of people find the AIP through my work, and the now vibrant community of AIP bloggers who all rallied behind The Paleo Approach as their singular definitive AIP guide. With the success of The Paleo Approach (it’s a New York Times bestseller), I became the deciding voice on whether or not some ingredient would be considered part of the Autoimmune Protocol or not. I actually always enjoyed this responsibility — for me, it just means spending a few hours searching around PubMed for compelling reasons to include or exclude the food in question based on its impact (or lack thereof) on the immune system, hormones, the gut barrier or the gut microbiome. That’s fun for me. Many AIP bloggers then took it upon themselves to police the AIP, calling out any recipe or packaged food labeled as such that included verboten ingredients, to protect everyone following the AIP from erroneous information and potentially problematic foods, maintaining the clarity and integrity of my AIP messaging. And, this wonderful group of AIP bloggers enhanced the AIP community with their recipes, tips, strategies, and personal stories.

Also, I’m a scientist. And as such, I believe that knowledge belongs to everyone. The Autoimmune Protocol is based on scientific knowledge, something everyone should have access to. It felt conceited and power-hungry to view the AIP as my singular responsibility, as my possession. I’m also terrible at self-promotion, perhaps driven by some lingering impostor syndrome (I can’t express how challenging it is to write about myself and my vulnerabilities like this!). I’m much more in my element when I’m reading scientific papers, writing or teaching. It’s taken years for my perspective to shift, and not to one where I feel like the AIP belongs to me, but rather I feel like, as the person who created what it is today and best understands all of the science that goes into it, I am best equipped to protect the Autoimmune Protocol. Not ownership per se, but stewardship. That doesn’t mean keeping the AIP static. In fact, I strongly believe the AIP needs to adapt and update as new scientific studies that inform various aspects of the AIP are performed and as we start so see the results of AIP clinical trials (see Updates to the Autoimmune Protocol). But, I want to protect the AIP from commercialization, pyramid schemes of supplements that somehow mean you don’t need to do the hard work, from bastardization, unjustified modification to the point where the therapeutic potential is lost, and from dilution, where the central message behind the AIP is drowned out by a cacophony of unfocused, useless recommendations.

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

I am indebted to the Autoimmune Protocol for my current good health, for the influence I’ve been able to have on the medical community and the alternative health community, and for my ability to truly make a different in people’s lives. And, the best way for me to return the favor is to work to maintain the integrity of the AIP, to keep it freely available, to support the AIP’s current transition into the mainstream, and to embrace my role as the world’s leading expert and authority on the Autoimmune Protocol. It’s not a position I sought, but it’s one I feel obligated and honored to have.

Part of my transition to feeling comfort in my role as the AIP creator and steward was recognizing the need to enhance my ability to communicate with the hundreds of thousands of people using the Autoimmune Protocol to mitigate their diseases. That was the major driver behind creating The Autoimmune Protocol e-book. In one digital resource, I was able to update the Autoimmune Protocol, provide a quick-start for anyone new to the protocol, help everyone well into their AIP journeys hone in on the most important facets of the protocol to get the most out of it, and develop a method to communicate directly with you regarding all things AIP.

My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol

In a normal world, I would have written The Autoimmune Protocol e-book long before ever getting a book deal. The e-book would have gone through iterations, and when I did finally write an in-print book, it would have been based on a refined version of my e-book. Because my audience grew so quickly out of the gate, I ended up writing The Paleo Approach first. And then, I was scared that if I released an e-book on the Autoimmune Protocol, that it would cannibalize sales of The Paleo Approach, a terrifying prospect given that I have long relied on book sales to support my website and team. That’s why it took me 5 years to put together The Autoimmune Protocol e-book. I think I needed the experience of creating the AIP Certified Coach practitioner training program and teaching The AIP Lecture Series to realize that my resources layer on top of each other, that each of these ways of learning about the Autoimmune Protocol support each other. The best way that I can increase recognition of the Autoimmune Protocol, to perform my stewardship duties, is to provide as vast a collection of AIP resources, all at different levels of detail, as possible. And on the bright side, The Autoimmune Protocol e-book is a really darned awesome resource, far better than I could have created five years ago!

The Common Themes of My Journey


Let’s face the bitter truth: my experiences of facing prejudice and bullying, of not being taken seriously by my doctors, of struggling with symptoms for decades before I knew the name of my autoimmune diseases, of being so defeated by my symptoms that I believed I deserved how I felt. . . those experiences aren’t unique to me. Variations of those experiences are the common theme of life with autoimmune disease. And it just shouldn’t be that way! But what’s also amazing is that my experience of feeling so inspired and indebted to the AIP that I committed my life to educating others about it isn’t unique either! There are so many talented AIP bloggers out there creating AIP resources, recipes, cookbooks, all to help drive this movement forward. And, each one of them has an inspirational story of healing. Here are just some of my favorite stories from AIP bloggers:

  • Phoenix Helix: My Experience with the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
  • A Squirrel in the Kitchen: Reversing Hashimotos The Story of my Recovery
  • Joanna Frankham: Hidradenitis Suppurativa My Story (Video)
  • Wellness Unraveled: My Autoimmune Protocol AIP Story
  • LissMS: AIP and ME. Why I Started and my First Three Months
  • Lichen Paleo, Loving AIP: My Health Journey
  • Real Food and Love: Healing Update (Hopefully the Last?)
  • Emotional Autoimmunity: Part 1 – Getting Sick, My Autoimmune Disease Symptoms & Part 2 – Diagnosis, Cronic Disease and the ‘New Normal’
  • The Unskilled Cavewoman: My Health Journey (Podcast)
  • Adventures in Partaking: My Story: Endometriosis and Infertility
  • Healing Family Eats: Children and the AIP – a Teens Honest Account
  • Kirstie Howard Living Well: Hashimotos, AIP & Me!
  • Bon AIPpetit: My Autoimmune Story
  • Reversing Autoimmune Disease: My Five Year Anniversary on the AIP
  • Healthy Fat & Fit: What it’s Really Like to Live with Hypothyroidism
  • Real World AIP: My AIP Story- how I put celiac into remission and fixed my leaky gut & brain fog! (Video)
  • Cook 2 Nourish: This is my Fight
  • My experience with the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)

I hope that my story and those of the above AIP bloggers inspire you to learn more about the Autoimmune Protocol, dive deeper, and take your next step on your path to health. So, if you want to learn more about the AIP or share resources with a friend or family member, here’s my suggested order to go through my resources:

  1. Read my summary webpage on the Autoimmune Protocol here. (There’s lots of links to specific articles too.)
  2. Get my free AIP Quick-Start Guide here.
  3. Grab a copy of The Autoimmune Protocol e-book (it’s only $20 and your purchase helps support this website).
  4. Read The Paleo Approach. (You can also cook out of The Paleo Approach Cookbook and The Healing Kitchen.)
  5. Sign up for the next session of The AIP Lecture Series.
  6. If you’re a healthcare professional or wellness provider, check out the AIP Certified Coach practitioner training program.

And please note that any purchase from helps to support me, my team (without whom I couldn’t do even a fraction of what I do), and the costs of operating this site. Thank you!

The post My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol appeared first on The Paleo Mom.

By: Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
Title: My Personal Journey with the Autoimmune Protocol
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2023 13:00:00 +0000

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Make the Paleo Diet Fit Your Lifestyle?

Paleo living isn't just about eating right. It's about changing your life from the inside out, covering everything from nutrition and fitness to relationships, career, and mental health. It takes effort and dedication to ensure that it fits in your schedule.

Understanding what foods are included in the paleo diet and which alternatives can be substituted is key when making this transition. Many people find that shopping and meal prepping become a big part of their weekly routine. Paleo-followers must pay attention to every detail. Before you buy any item, make sure to inspect it.

For those on-the-go lifestyles, it makes sense to find consistent ways to make eating healthy easier while supplementing with snacks or meals prepared ahead of time. While takeout may not be an option for those who want to maximize their nutrition intake, there are plenty of restaurants that offer low carb or gluten-free options. You can have a great night out with creativity and premeditation without having to compromise your goals.

You don't have to be overwhelmed by it. But planning will help you keep on track with your paleo diet, and allow you to include delicious gourmet dishes in your daily schedule! Make sure to prioritize nutrients-dense ingredients and not processed products. Focus on high-quality protein sources such as grass-fed beef or seasonal vegetables. You can still indulge in Paleo-approved treats if you want to stay energized throughout the day.

What are three foods you can eat when following the Paleo diet

Rejuvenating your dietary habits is simple with a Paleo diet. It involves eating only whole foods and unprocessed food that were available to our ancestors at the Paleolithic era, such as grass-fed beef, fish, fruits, or vegetables. This ancestral plan includes three delicious, nutritious foods.

  1. Savory Grass Fed Beef - Cuts of 100% grass fed beef are a good source of protein that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Whether it's burgers or stews, there's no shortage of ways to make grass-fed beef taste amazing!
  2. Satisfying salmon: This fish is full of essential omega-3s and can be grilled or poached to make it a delicious choice. Freshly harvested herbs can be added to the salmon for an extra gourmet flavor.
  3. Fibre-rich Avocados: Avocados are an amazing source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat - plus, they're packed with fibre! Use them in salads and as a part of a smoothie.

Can you eat popcorn on the Paleo diet?

Paleo can be a confusing diet. You need to know what foods and snacks are allowed. Popcorn can be a confusing food item to include. Can you eat popcorn on the Paleo diet?

The answer isn't simple--while it's made from corn, a vegetable that doesn't adhere to Paleo guidelines, it isn't inherently unhealthy either. Traditional popcorn is not recommended if you are strictly following Paleo guidelines. This is because of the high-carb count.

However, this eating plan allows for some other options. You can satisfy your cravings for sweet treats with coconut milk popsicles. You can also make your own snacks by making almond flour and cauliflower crackers.

No matter what snack you choose to eat, be sure to carefully read labels and all ingredients before buying any packaged food. This will ensure that you don't compromise your nutritional goals by eating foods with refined carbs or added sugar.

So explore all options available when deciding which snacks will work for you on the Paleo diet - including popcorn - to find those that fit into your daily meals perfectly!

Can I eat as many fruit as I wish on paleo diet?

It may surprise some nocturnal eaters to learn that they won’t find processed snacks on a Paleo diet. It instead focuses on healthy meals and snacks that are made from whole foods like the ones our ancestors ate: fruits and vegetables, nuts and meats.

But how much can you eat fruit? It all depends on your nutritional needs. Although the Paleo diet doesn’t restrict the amount of fruits you can eat it is important to keep in mind that high sugar intake can lead to several health issues like weight gain and changes in blood sugar.

For added nutrients and fibre, we recommend that you eat 1-2 portions of fresh fruit each day. This can be 1/2 to 1 cup depending upon the type or frozen/dried fruit. We suggest not eating more than 2 tablespoons at a time. Choose fiber-rich fruits like pears, berries and melons to fill your belly. These can be added to smoothies, salads, or used as toppings for snacks with nut butter or greek ghee when you feel the need.

Add low-sugar alternatives like avocados and olives, which are high levels of healthy fats.

Paleo makes it possible to indulge in delicious ripe foods by practicing moderation and incorporating other nutritious foods. You should also enjoy your food.

Can you eat bananas while on the paleo diet

It can be overwhelming to plan your nutrition. What should you do? When it comes to eating healthy and making better choices, it always pays off to do some research.

The paleo diet has become a very popular mode of eating. It is all about eating foods that are processed and packaged, but it also tries to mimic the diet of our ancestors thousands of years ago. The main focus is on fruits and vegetables, not carbs like bread, pasta, or other grains. What about bananas?

The short answer: yes, you can eat bananas on a paleo diet. They are one the oldest snacks found in nature, and have been a staple in many diets around the world since ancient times. They are a great way to get an energy boost before, during, or after a workout, and they're full of nutrients such as potassium and dietary fiber, vitamins C & D6, manganese, magnesium, and vitamin B6.

Bananas can be a healthier option to sugary snacks. They are low in calories and provide additional nutrition that conforms to strict paleo guidelines. To avoid overindulging in this naturally delicious fruit, moderation is key.

So go ahead and enjoy some tasty sliced bananas added atop Greek yogurt or served over shredded coconut for breakfast - without guilt!

Can you gain weight on a paleo diet?

Unwavering in your approach and proactivity is the key to success. Consider your lifestyle and make tweaks to ensure you have a long-term healthy diet. To accurately evaluate whether the paleo diet is right for your body goals, it is important to understand its underlying principles.

You may find that a paleo diet is able to help you achieve your fitness goals, depending on how strict and what foods you choose from each group. This method can also help you lose weight.

The best way to achieve dramatic, tangible results is to have practical meals that match your daily caloric intake and your level of physical activity.

Consider increasing the portion size by adding more fatty foods such as nuts or sweet potato to your diet.

A balanced lifestyle that focuses on nutrition will result in optimal health. Make sure that you are focusing on nutrition. That way everyone can achieve the results they desire while sticking to their diet plan.

How fast can I lose weight with paleo?

It's impossible to accurately predict how quickly you will lose weight on a Paleo diet without knowing more about your dietary history and habits. A Paleo-style diet consists of high amounts of protein, fiber, and healthy oil. This will help you feel fuller between meals, and decrease your overall calorie intake. This can make it easier and more enjoyable to reach and keep a healthy body weight. Also, cutting out refined grains and other refined carbohydrates will help with blood glucose control which can aid in weight loss. Regular exercise is essential for any weight loss program. With dedicated adherence to these core principles, the paleo approach can be a powerful tool for achieving lasting changes in your body composition.

Along with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, it's important to get adequate rest and manage stress levels. A lack of sleep can lead a person to have a higher appetite, craving unhealthy foods, and stress can increase cortisol, which can cause weight gain. You need to make sure that your lifestyle is in line with your weight loss goals.


  • As we learn more about the Paleolithic age, we discover that those who lived during it ate a plant-based diet, with merely an estimated 3%Trusted Source of their diet coming from animal-based foods. (
  • You can throw these into any delicious paleo recipe (or make up your own) and be 100% sure that you're paleo diet compliant :). (
  • Plus, some of these foods — particularly beans — offer many compounds and are linked to positive health outcomes, such as a lower risk for metabolic disease, heart disease, and diabetes, according to a 2014 study. (
  • Carbon Footprints and Diet Quality of 5 Popular Eating Patterns as Reported by US Consumers". (
  • One study cited in the article, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that calcium intake levels among followers of the paleo diet were as low as 50 percent of the recommended daily value. (

External Links





How To

How do I get started with the paleo diet?

It can be difficult to start your journey towards a more balanced, healthier lifestyle by eating Paleo. You don't have to feel lost or confused. In no time, you will be reaping the benefits from this ancestral approach.

Start small and make a difference. You can start by eliminating processed and packaged foods that contain sugar, wheat, corn or grains, as well as dairy and trans fats. Next, add some fresh fruits and veggies to your meal plan each day and include healthy sources of protein such as lean meats and fish. Wild-caught seafood can be another great option.

Keep in mind that you should try new dishes with lots of flavour. Also, meal prepping is key. This will keep your busy days on track. You will never be bored by the endless variety of recipes available through YouTube, cookbooks, or apps.

It is important to be consistent with any diet. If you place emphasis on quality over quantity and drink plenty water throughout the day as well as exercising regularly, then you are already off to a great starting point. Paleo can be intimidating at first, but if you do it right, Paleo can help you reach your ultimate nutrition goals for both body and mind in no time.

It is important to keep in mind that Paleo isn't based on the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. However, you don't have to eat exactly like your ancestors. Instead, eat whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds and lean proteins. Make sure you include different food groups in your diet. Finally, don't forget to listen to your body and adjust your diet as needed.


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Indulge in a mindful eating experience with Dr. Pal and Saravana Kumar as they share insightful tips at AappaKadai Indian Restaurant in this VLOG. #drpal

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3x Healthy Dessert Recipes | Healthy & Quick Fall Recipes | Soul Sync Body | Sanne Vloet Hi loves, It was Thanksgiving this past week here in the U.S.

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Reacting to DAY 3: EATING TO FIGHT FOOD ADDICTION + GETTING DIAGNOSED IN KUWAIT + craziest night at the casino, I gave a guy my number, & get drunk with me |

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Today we are revealing what one year on Keto has done to our bodies.... To check out our friends at Air2Ground Farm visit #homesteading #keto #ketodiet

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Carnivore Doctor Shares Wisdom from her 15 Year Carnivore Diet Journey. Make sure to watch this Carnivore Doctor Shares Wisdom from her 15 Year Carnivore Diet

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As we go into the fall shortage season we're seeing major issues in dairy, pasta, and in potatoes. Whether you are a Prepper, a homesteader, or a concerned

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Today I will be sharing 2 weight loss recipes that come out perfect every time. I will be sharing my easy tofu recipe that never disappoints and a delicious

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This delicious and healthy meal of roasted, jammy sweet potatoes with salty grilled chorizo and tangy chimichurri is a real flavour explosionThe post Sweet

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I'll tell you guys, I really enjoyed using this stove. When I first saw it on AliExpress I knew I would want to get it. After a few weeks I caved, and I was

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LCR Merch: Recipes & Discount Links over on my website: Equip Protein Powder: Use DISCOUNT CODE LOWCARBREVELATION Coaching Programs and Macros:

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Holiday Guide No Regrets! Solid Tips and Takeaways! *GIVEAWAY* Livestream 7PM EST, 4PM PDT. All the tips we discussed in today's livestream are here!

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For a quick lunch or kid-friendly meal, try making mini pizza using English muffins or mini naan breads. We love Hawaiian pizza,The post Mini Pizza With Ham &

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Get ready for a tasty journey with my curated list of the best Mediterranean appetizers! From whipped feta and falafels to GreekThe post Best Mediterranean

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If you are planning a trip “down under” or residing in Australia then one of the most important things on your mind will be Australian cuisine. Do you want to

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This post is definitely coming a tad early because I haven’t fully healed from my recent scarless mole removal experience, but I just couldn’t wait to share

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My easy Chocolate Pecan Pie is as good as it gets when it comes to healthy holiday desserts. I worked on this low-carb pie recipe for years, perfecting it back

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When I think about Austin, TX, floods of memories come back to when I first started my blog. I remember going to PaleoFX for the first time in 2013, where I

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I’ve curated a list of some of my favourite Asian appetisers. From the ever-popular chicken satay and crispy samosas to the delightfulThe post Best Asian

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Pinwheel sandwiches are an excellent lunchbox item and hors d’oeuvres that people are familiar with from attending parties and potlucks. They areThe post

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This festive whole-baked salmon fillet is slathered with lemony, herby, garlicky sour cream sauce and topped with pine nuts and pomegranate seeds.The post

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My Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread recipe is the stuff that autumnal dreams are made of, but it’s so magical we bake it all year long. Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread

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Fall in love with these baked cinnamon apples, perfect for a cozy, yet healthy dessert. Brown butter, cinnamon and pecan topping isThe post Baked Cinnamon

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Old-fashioned ham salad is a classic American recipe that has been enjoyed for generations. It features finely diced ham, celery and sweetThe post

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This Mediterranean-inspired quinoa breakfast bowl is topped with Greek yoghurt, berries, nuts and honey. It’s nutrient-dense, satiating and delicious! With a

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Fiber is so important in our diet. Not only does it aid in digestion, regulate blood sugar and appetite, and reduce inflammation, but it may reduce risk of

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If you’ve ever wondered how to make a Pumpkin Spice Latte without dairy, sugar, chemicals, and caffeine, this recipe is for you! My superfood PSL is made with

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These crispy garlic prawns are simply the BEST! This recipe is a combination of two of my favourite dishes – Hawaiian garlicThe post Crispy Garlic Prawns

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This Chicken Broccoli Alfredo with Penne Pasta recipe is my ultimate comfort food. Creamy and flavourful, this recipe is loaded with tenderThe post Chicken

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Embrace the flavours of fall and winter with this vibrant butternut squash salad featuring juicy pomegranate seeds, creamy feta, crunchy pumpkin seeds,The post

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The Mediterranean diet is similar to the paleo diet in that it emphasizes vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats. It is also easy to cook. ..

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Turn holiday ham leftovers and basic veggies into a quick, delicious ham fried rice. Get creative – supermarket ham, bacon, diced chicken,The post Ham Fried

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This one’s for you, my chili lovers: a curated collection of 33 best chili recipes! From classic beef to white chicken, healthy, slow-cooker,The post 33+ Best

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TikTok Pizza Lava Toast is a recipe that went viral on TikTok and as some of you might be curious to tryThe post  TikTok Pizza Lava Toast appeared first on

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My Chocolate Gluten Free Cupcakes for Halloween are the most adorable, healthy Halloween treats to serve your little ghosts and goblins. Chocolate Gluten Free

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Learn how to make easy garlic naan bread with this step-by-step recipe. Use it as an accompaniment to Indian curries, soups and stews, orThe post Easy Garlic

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Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala is a flavourful and aromatic dish that combines tender chicken with a creamy tomato-based sauce and a blendThe post Slow

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This avocado turkey sandwich is easy to make and comes with a delicious twist of sun-dried tomato aioli. Let me show you how toThe post Avocado Turkey Sandwich

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This one’s for you, my chili lovers: a curated collection of 33 best chili recipes! From classic beef to white chicken, healthy, slow-cooker,The post 33 Best

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This delicious sun-dried tomato aioli is a versatile condiment that can be used as a sandwich spread, salad dressing, or a dip. Make itThe post Sun-Dried

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This roasted acorn squash is stuffed to the max with absolutely everything you’re craving!  Savory sausage, veggies, and herbs with sweet apples and raisins

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Autumn isn’t complete for our family without making this easy Baked Apples with Cinnamon Sticks recipe. Baked Apples with Cinnamon Sticks Made with a handful

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This Paleo Pumpkin Coffee Cake has it all!  Moist cake with sweet fall spices topped with an addicting crumb topping and maple icing!  Fancy enough to serve to

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesMake your next chicken dinner with one of these boneless chicken thigh recipes that are quick, easy,

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The Paleo Diet, often referred to as the “caveman diet,” is a popular diet that mimics the way our ancestors used to eat.  This article will explore the types

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This apple cinnamon granola is the ultimate grain free granola for fall! Packed with apple pie spice, chopped nuts, coconut, chewy dried apples and sweetened

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This healthier paleo version of classic apple cider donuts is a delicious treat to bake for fall!  They’re soft and tender, filled with apple pie spice and

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When apples are in high season, this Low-Carb Apple Galette is a fantastic way to use ’em up! Low Carb Apple Galette This easy gluten-free dessert recipe with

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Autumn isn’t complete for our family without this quick Easy Baked Apples recipe made with a handful of healthy ingredients! Easy Baked Apples Recipe with

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These Paleo Pumpkin Waffles are crisp on the outside, soft inside and filled with warm fall spices. They’re just sweet enough to enjoy alone or you can top

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This hearty and savory paleo chicken stroganoff is made all in one skillet for a quick, delicious and cozy weeknight meal.  It’s Whole30, low carb and keto and

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My Low-Carb Chocolate Zucchini Bread recipe is perfect when your garden is exploding with zucchini! We love it so much, though, that we make it year round.

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My Low-Carb Chocolate Zucchini Bread recipe is perfect when your garden is exploding with zucchini! We love it so much, though, that we make it year round.

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These Paleo Morning Glory Muffins are perfect for breakfast and snacking! Loaded with goodies like apples, carrots, raisins and pecans and flavored with orange

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Keto has its share of benefits, such as weight loss. However, whenever you switch to a keto diet, it comes with the hassle of shopping for new food items, and

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This Greek Pasta Salad has tons of flavor and is a breeze to make!  Perfect for summer picnics, lunches or as a light dinner. It’s paleo, grain free and vegan

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This healthy Spiced Green Schug Sauce pairs perfectly with the hummus and muhammara pictured above. Made from superfood herbs, Schug is fantastic with

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A non-savory quiche that’s also not sweet enough to be called a pie? That’s my new Gluten Free French Toast Quiche with added protein! The minute I go calling

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesThis easy chicken salad with grapes and walnuts is a healthy version of the restaurant classic you

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You want the full meal deal in one slice? This Gluten Free Loaded Cheeseburger Casserole has it all and the sweet potato fries to boot!   Y’all know after I

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The paleo diet is a popular way to eat. It has a lot of benefits, including reduced inflammation, increased insulin sensitivity and reduced blood..

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This Raspberry Crumb Cake is tender and moist and bursting with sweet raspberry flavor! It starts with a grain free lemon almond coffee cake topped with fresh

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Nope it’s not even a little bit paleo BUT this Gluten Free Chicken Sausage and Roasted Corn Chowder is sure to please everyone else with tastebuds! If you’ve

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These lightly sweetened dairy-free Fudgsicles were a major hit with my chocolate loving teenage sons, and I still make them for my husband. Fudgsicle Recipe I

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesFrom delectable cakes and pies to decadent brownies and creamy mousse, you'll find easy recipes for

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Hear me out… cottage cheese, but make it dessert with this Protein Packed Peanut Butter Pudding! I know, cottage cheese is having a moment which makes this

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This paleo and vegan blueberry cobbler has quickly become a family favorite! A sweet gooey blueberry layer is baked with a biscuit cobbler topping that’s

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This refreshing Mexican Chocolate Vegan Ice Cream recipe is a wonderful dessert for hot summer days. With its warming spices, it’s also incredible when the

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesIf you've never roasted garlic on the grill before, you won't believe how easy it is. With just

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesAmazon's "epic day of best deals" happens only once a year. If you love a good deal, now is the time

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Most evenings, an hour or so after dinner, I make this healing Aloe Vera Juice Lemonade recipe to soothe my gut. Aloe Vera Juice Lemonade Recipe I also can’t

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesNeed some healthy ideas for salad toppings? These quick and easy salad recipes will give you plenty

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesTry this easy paleo antipasto salad recipe for a quick weeknight dinner. Start to finish it takes

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesThese healthy strawberry muffins are so quick and easy to put together. Perfect for breakfast or an

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesLooking for an easy, delicious and healthy comfort food recipe? These gluten-free casseroles have

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesHere's how to make cold brew tea for a perfect glass of iced tea with lemon and mint on a hot summer

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesHere's a summertime favorite with a healthy twist. An easy homemade lemonade recipe with honey

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesLooking for ways to spice up your burger dinner? These recipes for healthy sides for burgers are a

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesThis homemade Italian dressing recipe is so easy to make and tastes so much better than store-bought.

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesNeed an easy low carb side dish you can take to potluck? From salads to vegetable dishes, you'll

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Pure aloe vera is a magical substance that comes from inside the leaf of an aloe vera plant. This beautiful plant has numerous healing properties, read on to

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It’s salad season biiiiish! I said last week that I’m feeling like it’s time for a salad series and I wasn’t lying. I made this tomato salad recipe last week

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesEasy dark chocolate pots de creme—all the decadence of the traditional French dessert without dairy

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesFrom salads to soups and from casseroles to wraps, these easy leftover rotisserie chicken recipes

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Looking for a healthy snack that’s low carb and high in fiber? My Keto Chia Pudding for One is the answer. Keto Chia Pudding for One Yes, it turns out the chia

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“Hello darling, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.” Maybe that’s not exactly how the Disturbed lyrics go, but darkness just didn’t feel right in

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Throughout our lives, we are often told to take a deep breath. Whether we are at the doctor for a checkup, moving our bodies, experiencing pain, or being

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesLooking for easy healthy recipes using fresh berries? Here are 15 delicious summer berry recipes to

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This Grapefruit Ranch Water recipe is made with replenishing electrolytes and will keep you detoxing while you retox! Grapefruit Ranch Water Recipe We can’t

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesLooking for ways to make weeknight meals faster and easier? Rotisserie chicken is a great meal prep

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If you're looking for a new way to eat, then you're probably curious about the paleo versus plant based diet. Basically, the paleo diet is a diet..

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In the mood for a treat, but don’t want to make an entire batch of dessert? My Chocolate Chip Cookie for One will hit the spot when you’re craving a little

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In today’s health-conscious world, it’s hard to ignore the buzz around gluten-free eating. Whether you’re a dedicated Paleo follower or a steadfast vegan,

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Detoxification is a vital process that our bodies naturally carry out, but sometimes we need to give it a little extra support. As the world becomes more

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Traveling can be a great way to take a break from the daily routine and experience something new. However, navigating unfamiliar places combined with changing

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Eggplant used to CREEP ME OUT. It’s slimy, it’s weirdly undercooked and inedible if you don’t cook it long enough, and there aren’t a ton of ways that I know

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Do you want to remain calm, relaxed, and collected in the face of competition? Are you feeling overwhelmed leading up to the state cooking competition? Several

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The media has a significant impact on our world, shaping our beliefs, values, and understanding of truth. They also have a significant influence on our

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Filling and hearty in 10 minutes – you cannot beat the ease of this Instant Pot Sausage and Rice! Did you see? I had awake surgery! I know it’s a little wild

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Looking to feed a crowd easily for any meal of the day? This TATER TOT BREAKFAST CASSEROLE does the trick and comes together without browning the meat in

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Trends are funny. Now that TikTok is so huge, different ideas get popular so fast. Like butter boards. That was stupid. Or healthy coke. Was I going to try

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Lately, many of you have been asking me to create a homemade electrolyte powder recipe. It began when I wrote about Women, Food, and Hormones, and continued to

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In the first few years of marriage, it was pretty easy to think through the top things I learned that year. But now it feels like the years are speeding by and

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The cannabis industry is rising, becoming an increasingly popular and profitable market for investors. With the legalization of marijuana in many U.S. states

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In case you missed it, I’m starting a new series on my blog that is all based around the recipes I make for us at home. This is a meal that I cooked in the

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If I could go back in time, I would change a handful of things. First, I would change my diet and how I nourished my body. Secondly, I would start doing more

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I don’t mean to brag, but I kind of LOVE cabbage. Let’s be clear, though – this is a new love. Very new. Before I really only thought of cabbage as a veggie to

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If you’re struggling with headaches, muscle cramps, or fatigue while fasting or on a low-carb diet there’s a good chance you’re low in electrolytes –especially

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesThis healthy walnut muffin recipe with olive oil and honey is so easy and so good! They may become

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Looking for a great gluten free brownie recipe? As the founder of one of the first grain free blogs on the internet, I’ve been writing recipes for decades.

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New blog series coming your way! And this series is all about meals that I make at home for the family, that I really REALLY love. It’s very rare that I make

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These paleo espresso chocolate chip cookies have no chilling time and one bowl prep, so they’re ready from start to finish in just 20 minutes! Gluten free,

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The other day I went to the fish market (I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about this on every platform and in multiple blog posts…we get it Juli, you are weirdly

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I’ve been talking about feet A LOT lately. So it is only fitting that I talk about the only socks I’ve been wearing ever since I bought my first Bombas no-show

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Something I’m paying attention to more than ever right now is supporting my immune system. Since we have a baby who doesn’t sleep quite through the night, I’m

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Cook Eat Well - Healthy paleo, keto and gluten-free recipesThese dairy-free smoothies are rich, creamy, and full of flavor with no dairy at all! From fruit

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Who wouldn’t love cookies for breakfast? These paleo carrot cake breakfast cookies are packed with nutrition plus they’re filling and so tasty! They’re dairy

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I’ve been craving more simplicity in my cooking lately. Most likely due to the fact that I have a child at home now and life is a bit more demanding. Before I


Paleo friendly banana blueberry coffee cake muffins with a grain free and dairy free streusel topping! Have one freshly baked or make them ahead of time and

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How whites are your pearly whites?   Were your teeth naturally straight, or did you need braces?  Is your mouth the picture […] The post CAVITIES AND YOUR GUT

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The Paleo diet is a diet that advocates believe mirrors the diet that humans had during the Paleolithic era. This diet also is known as the stone-age ..

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When I tell you this 5 Minute Prep Instant Pot Taco Soup will save your tush on a weeknight, I am in no way joking. Make it! I’ve been really focused on moving

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Having any chronic illness lasting beyond a few weeks can feel isolating at best. As time marches on, things can feel hopeless.  Here are Four Painful Truths

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If you want to breeze right past apple and pumpkin this holiday season, these White Chocolate Peppermint Crunch Cookies are right up your alley! I was recently

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Not even one iota of you will be missing regular buns with these Grain Free Cheeseburger Sliders. They are every bit as scrumptious as you imagine and without

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This Grain Free Mushroom Marsala Pizza might be the best thing to hit your taste buds and that’s an understatement!  I love mushrooms and I love pizza, but I

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Working on hitting protein goals?  Don’t forget about condiments! This Protein Packed Salad Dressing has almost 4 grams of protein per 2 tablespoon serving! If

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Bake ahead and grab a slice during busy mornings, this Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bread is a great protein-packed snack on the go!   Ok, I’m

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Shopping for safer skincare can be complicated and expensive. In this Clean Cosmetics Drugstore Edition post, I show you how to save on a few items so you can

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If you’re a fan of the one pot wonder, this No Boil Gluten Free Ravioli Lasagna is going to rock your world. No need to cook the meat or boil the ravioli ahead

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When I tell you that this Protein Rich Crustless Quiche might be one of my new favorite meals for any time of day, I mean it! Savory and filling plus 16 grams

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Las Vegas is called the entertainment capital of the world because it has an endless list of things to do at any time of day. This is why it is a popular

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Vein treatment is used to treat varicose veins, spider veins, and other types of abnormal dilations. The purpose of vein treatment is to reduce the appearance

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You’ve probably heard of CBD a lot. The name has become practically synonymous with the cannabis plant. But that’s not all there is to cannabis and its

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Depression is a severe and debilitating mental health disorder that affects people of all genders. Still, men may be particularly susceptible to certain risk

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Getting older usually indicates that you may experience more health-related issues. No one enjoys seeing their hair turn gray, getting more wrinkles, and


These paleo banana muffins are tender and perfectly moist, filled with toasty butter pecan flavor but grain free, dairy free and refined sugar free! Enjoy


These chewy Paleo Pumpkin Snickerdoodles couldn’t be easier to make! Perfect for the holidays or anytime you crave a sweet, soft, pumpkin spiced cinnamon sugar


These mini banana muffins are easy to make and so tasty! They’re grain free and paleo made with good for you ingredients like bananas, eggs, almond flour and


This Garlic Butter Salmon is an easy one pan meal you’ll want on repeat! Tender flaky salmon, crispy potatoes and charred brussels sprouts with a vibrant lemon


These paleo and vegan iced gingerbread cookies have a chewy, oatmeal cookie like texture, the best sweet warm spice blend and are easy to make! Perfect for the


These soft dreamy Paleo vanilla macadamia cookies are packed sweet vanilla flavor and crunchy toasty macadamia nuts. Gluten free, grain free, refined sugar


These grain free peppermint mocha cookies are crisp outside and chewy inside, just like a brownie! They have the perfect amount of peppermint and rich mocha

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I did it. I accidentally made adult hamburger helper. Well, I guess hamburger helper was always for all ages. It didn’t discriminate. But it was something I

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When someone says something mean to you, it’s very easy to get defensive and quickly jump to getting angry. But what if you listened to that comment for a

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Happy Sunday!! I have a new weekly dinner menu coming your way! And something I wanted to share was my new love for the Milkstreet Tuesday Nights cookbook. I

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I went back and forth about putting the word “healthier” in the title of this recipe since healthy is a very subjective word. My healthy is not your healthy,

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The Autoimmune Protocol, or AIP, is a science-based diet and lifestyle intervention for autoimmune disease and other chronic illnesses driven by immune

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Of all of my cake recipes, this is my favorite so far.  The cake flavor and texture is fabulous and what better (or more classic) way to top a vanilla cake

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My autoimmune disease symptoms started with puberty—fatigue, chronic constipation, migraines, steady and unrelenting weight gain that didn’t scale with my high

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If you are thinking about a Paleo diet, you may be wondering how many carbs you should be eating. While it is true that a diet that eliminates carbs..

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Recipes for quick weeknight meals are so essential when following the Paleo diet.  Knowing what you can quickly whip up when you get home late from work