Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024

Vegan Egg Substitutes

This is your ultimate guide for vegan eggs. You'll find vegan egg substitutes here for both sweet and savoury recipes, as well as instructions on how to best use them.

Eggs can be a bit more difficult to replace than cheese or meat when going vegan. After all, eggs aren't just for flavor. They also work in recipes! They can bind, give a recipe structure, thicken and emulsify.

It's difficult to find an ingredient that can do all the things eggs do in baking and cooking. This is especially true if you are looking for something in your own kitchen. There are many options.

The Best Egg Substitutes For Muffins Brownies and Cakes

These egg substitutes will help you achieve a moist and tender crumb.


In baked goods such as cakes, muffins and pancakes, mashed ripe bananas can be used to replace eggs. The bananas add moisture to the mixture and act as a binder, just like eggs. Ripe bananas also have a banana flavor and sweetness. When making desserts with banana and chocolate flavors, use bananas as an alternative to eggs.

  • Why it Works Bananas are a great alternative to eggs because they have similar texture and binding qualities.
  • How To Use It : Mash bananas until smooth with a fork. Use 1/4 cup of mashed banana (75g) for each egg in the recipe. This is about half a medium-sized banana.

Pumpkin or Sweet Potato Puree

You can use pumpkin puree or sweet potato puree to replace eggs in recipes that require a lot moisture, like brownies, cakes and cookies. You can use butternut, acorn or other winter squash purees.

  • Why it Works: The pumpkin puree creates a texture similar to that of eggs when used in baking.
  • How To Use It Use 1/4 cup (60g), of pumpkin or sweet potatoes puree, for each egg in the recipe.


Applesauce, like bananas can be used to add moisture and bind baked goods. It's milder taste makes it a good choice for baked goods with vanilla.

  • Why it Works Applesauce contains a high amount of pectin which is a binder and creates a texture similar to that of eggs in baked goods.
  • Use: Use 1/4 of a cup of applesauce per egg in the recipe. Use unsweetened applesauce to prevent the dish from changing in taste.

Vegan Yogurt

Use vegan yogurt or buttermilk as an egg substitute in baked goods to give them a moist and tender crumb. You can use it to make muffins, cupcakes and cakes. Use vegan yogurt to replace eggs when breadcrumbs are used before baking or frying.

  • Why they Work Vegan yogurt is moisturizing and helps to bind ingredients.
  • How To Use Them Use 3 tablespoons (46g), vegan yogurt, for each egg in the recipe.

Almond Butter

Almond butter, or other unsweetened nut-butters like peanut butter or cashew butter, can be used as a binder for baking recipes that require eggs. They will, however, add a nutty flavor to your baked goods.

  • Why it works Almond butter is similar to eggs in that it has binding properties and can be used to add protein to food.
  • How To Use It Use 3 tablespoons almond butter per egg in the recipe.

Best vegan egg substitutes for gluten-free baking and cookies

All of the above options will not act as binders, but you won't usually need an extra binder if you are using regular baking flour. Binders are essential for gluten-free baking. Do not forget to include baking powder, or you may end up with an overly dense, hard cake. The following binders are also suitable for gluten-free cookies.

Ground Chia and flax Seeds

In recipes that need a lot to hold them together, like vegan meatloaf or veggie burgers, ground flaxseeds and chia seeds combined with water are a great substitute for eggs. As described above, you can use flax eggs as a substitute in gluten-free cookies and baking.

  • Why it Works When flaxseeds or chia seeds are mixed with water they form a gel like substance which provides structure and helps to hold ingredients together.
  • How To Use It: Combine 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds (11g) and 2 tablespoons water per egg in the recipe. Or, use 1 tablespoon ground chia (14.5g) mixed with 3 tablespoons water. Allow the mixture to sit for a couple of minutes before adding it to your mixture or batter.

Arrowroot, Tapioca, Corn, or Potato Starch

In addition to baking, starches can also be used in place of eggs as a thickening ingredient in sauces and soups. Haupia, a thick and creamy dish made with starch, is an example.

  • Why it Works Starches are thickeners that can be used in recipes.
  • How To Use It: Combine 1 tablespoon of starch (about 10g) with three tablespoons of warm water for each egg in the recipe. It can be added to your dish to thicken it, just like you would when making a cornstarch paste.

What is the best egg substitute for vegan marshmallows, souffles, Mousse, and Meringue?

Only one option is available and it's great!


Aquafaba is the liquid that comes from chickpeas in a can. It has become popular as an egg replacement over the past few years. It is great for recipes that call for whipped egg whites such as macarons or meringues. It can be too thin right out of the can and cause the meringues to fall. You can avoid this by boiling the liquid in a pan and cooling it before use.

  • Why it Works The protein and starch found in aquafaba produce a foamy texture when whipped. This makes it an excellent substitute for egg whites.
  • How To Use It Use 3 tablespoons (22g aquafaba) per egg or 2 tablespoons (15g aquafaba) for each egg white in the recipe. Whip the aquafaba with an electric mixer to stiff peaks, and then fold into your batter or mix.

The Best Egg Substitutes for Savoury Recipes

You'll need a vegan substitute egg that has different properties for savoury dishes. Plus, you won't want to add sweetness.

Quick Cooking Oats

This simple method is perfect for binding meatballs or vegan burgers. The oats need to absorb moisture in the recipe to activate. I recommend letting the mixture rest for 15-30 minutes before forming burger patties or meatballs.

  • Why it Works Quick-cooking oats are a great way to absorb moisture, and they act as binders without adding any flavour.
  • Use: Add 3 tablespoons (30g), of quick-cooking oats to every egg in the recipe.

Chickpea Flour

Chickpeas flour can be used to make an easy vegan egg scramble. It's also a great batter for breading and for making omelets and frittatas.

  • Why it Works When hydrated, the chickpea powder has the same consistency and color as egg.
  • How To Use It: Mix 2 tablespoons (18g), of chickpea powder with 3 tablespoons (60ml) water to make 1 egg.

Firm Tofu

Tofu firm is an excellent alternative to eggs in recipes that require a creamy texture. This includes quiches, custards and tofu scramble. Add kala-namak salt to get a taste similar to that of egg.

  • Why it Works Tofu is high in protein and has a texture similar to eggs.
  • How To Use It For a base for a frittata or quiche, combine 1/4 cup (60g), 1 tablespoon (10g), of corn or tapioca flour with 10 ounces of firm tofu (300g).

Silken Tofu

Tofu silken makes a rich base for vegan mayonnaise. Tofu can be used as an alternative to eggs in baked goods. However, it will make the product more dense.

  • Why it Works? It is a smooth, creamy puree that works just like mayo.
  • How To Use It Use 1/4 cup (56g), of silken tofu puree for each egg in the recipe. You can also make vegan mayonnaise using the recipe below.

Here are a few more vegan egg substitutes

You have other options besides the vegan egg substitutes that we described earlier.

Kala Namak Salt

Black salt (also known as kala namak) can be used in dishes to give them an eggy taste without the need for eggs. When making vegan quiche, adding kala-namak salt to the dish will give it an eggy taste.

  • Why it Works Kala namak contains sulfur which gives the salt a distinctive eggy taste.
  • Use: Sprinkle some kala-namak salt over your dish for an eggy flavour. It can be overwhelming, so use it sparingly.

Vinegar with Baking Soda

The combination of baking soda and vinegar can be substituted for eggs to give baked goods a light, airy texture. This is what you would use in this red velvet pound cake. This combination works best with recipes that require 1-2 eggs.

  • How It Works When vinegar and baking powder are combined, a chemical reaction occurs that creates carbon dioxide gas. This helps to raise baked goods.
  • How To Use It: Combine 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1 tablespoon vinegar per egg in the recipe. Use immediately as the reaction begins right away.

Carbonated Water

It can be used as a leavening ingredient in recipes which call for eggs. This includes waffles, pancakes and other dishes that require eggs. This will work well in cupcakes and cakes that need a lighter texture.

  • Why it Works: Carbonation in water creates air pockets that make baked goods fluffy and light.
  • How To Use It Replace each egg by 1/4 cup of carbonated Water. Use only unflavored carbonated water.

Egg substitutes available in the store

Commercial egg replacers are available on the market and can be used to replace eggs for baking or cooking ,which would be difficult with natural egg substitutes! These products are usually a mixture of starches, leavening agent, and other ingredients. They can be used in baked goods, scrambled egg, vegan omelets etc.

  • Why they work: Commercial egg substitutes are scientifically designed to mimic the functions and properties of eggs. They make a convenient vegan option for baking and cooking.
  • How To Use Them : Follow the instructions provided on the packaging to determine the amount of egg to use.

Vegan Guides

  • What is Cassava flour?
  • Plant-based diets have many health benefits
  • Surprised foods that are NOT vegan
  • Honey is vegan?
  • Is bread vegan?

Vegan Silken Tofu Mayonnaise

Silken Tofu is a vegan egg replacement in homemade mayonnaise.
American Cuisine
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Total Time: 5 Minutes
Servings 24 Servings
Calories kcal
Author Jessica Hylton


  • 1 (10-ounce) package soft silken tofu 300g
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • half a teaspoon kala Namak salt regular salt can be substituted, but the taste is eggy
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • Black Pepper to Taste


  • Blend all ingredients until smooth in a blender jar.


Use this vegan mayonnaise within a week. Refrigerate it in an airtight jar.


Carbohydrates: 0.4g

The post Vegan Egg Substitutes first appeared on Jessica in the Kitchen.

By: Jessica Hylton
Title: Vegan Egg Substitutes
Sourced From: jessicainthekitchen.com/vegan-egg-substitutes/
Published Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000

Welcome to Paleovsketo.com, the trusted source for up-to-date knowledge on lifestyle nutrition! Here, you’ll find reliable strategies that promote healthy living and help individuals achieve their fitness goals. Whether it’s embracing the paleo or keto diet, intermittent fasting, or learning how to lose weight effectively - we cover it all!

We invite you to join us in our mission of embracing healthier living through education, inspiration and empowerment. As we strive towards creating a community of health-conscious people - big and small - you are invited to share your stories, passions and delicious recipes with us! Together, we can revolutionize the way people think about eating. All contributions are welcome - just email us at [email protected]!

We don’t just talk about healthy living; we live it too! Eating a plant-based diet may be the way to go in today's world, but that doesn't mean that it should lack taste or excitement. We must provide information on authentic vegan food culture and inspire others to act confidently and with integrity when making lifestyle changes.

So come along for the ride as we embark on this journey towards healthier living - let's make a difference today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What amount of meat is acceptable on a plant-based diet.

Plant-based diets do not permit any amount of meat. This dietary lifestyle eliminates all animal products, including meat, fish, and poultry. Fortunately, plenty of vegan substitutes can offer the same flavor and texture without animal products. Tofu, seitan (wheat flour), tempeh, fermented soybeans, and mock duck made of mushrooms can all mimic traditional meat dishes. Vegetarian vegetarian burgers made with black beans, quinoa and other ingredients are similar in taste to beef burgers. You can also make vegan burgers with eggplant bacon bits or coconut bacon strips; tofu mayo; vegetable hot dogs with seasoned texture soy protein; and faux chicken strips made from wheat gluten. These options can be a great option for people who are looking to move to a plantbased diet.

What are some tips for transitioning to a plant-based diet?

The transition to a plantbased diet can seem intimidating but can lead to an exciting lifestyle change. These are some tips to help you transition to this type diet:

  1. Structure meals around whole foods and not processed food to ensure adequate macronutrients, vitamins, or mineral intake.
  2. Focusing on creating meals that are enjoyable to eat and meet dietary needs.
  3. Creating a support system like friends, family members, or certified health professionals.
  4. Trying new recipes to add excitement while eating well.
  5. Slowly changing your habits and paying more attention to your nutrition intake.

Individuals may be able to make a gradual transition to a plant-based diet by incorporating these tips and tricks into their daily lives.

What can a plant-based diet do for your health?

A plant-based lifestyle can offer many health benefits. The risk of developing heart disease, diabetes or stroke is lower if you eat more plants than animals. Plant-based diets have vitamins, minerals. antioxidants. The benefits of eating lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans and other legumes have been shown to be due to the high levels of dietary fiber. This feeds your gut bacteria and helps you maintain good digestion. A lot of plant-based meals are low in saturated fats which may increase blood cholesterol. Studies have shown that eating a plant-based diet may help to reduce anxiety and depression. A combination of plant-based protein and healthy fats such as nuts or avocados can help you feel fuller for longer periods between meals.


  • Another found that following a diet rich in plant foods and lower in animal foods was associated with a 16 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 31 to 32 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. (everydayhealth.com)
  • In fact, according to research published in the going plant-based can cut grocery bills by $750 a year per person, Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. (forksoverknives.com)

External Links





How To

How can you make sure that you get enough protein from a plant-based diet

The right ingredients can make sure that you get enough protein from a plant-based diet. Vegetables like legumes, nuts seeds, tempeh (and tofu), are all great sources of plant-based proteins. This will help you meet your daily needs. If you want to maximize your nutrition intake and still eat a vegan diet, you should consider superfoods like spinach and gojiberries. These superfoods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and contain high amounts of nutrients.

A vegan diet should include plant-based foods, such as protein powders, nuts, and collagen peptides. They can also be added to smoothies and other recipes. If you don’t feel like you’re getting enough protein by eating only plant-based proteins, then you should consider supplementation with high quality supplements. High-quality pills, capsules and tablets can provide you with the exact amount you need.

By making conscious efforts to incorporate plant-based proteins into meals in diverse ways - individuals following a vegan lifestyle can quickly meet their daily recommended values of nutrients - planning makes all the difference!


Vegan Egg Substitutes


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Hint: Your energy levels, gut microbiome, and environmental impact all win big.